Orientation Course for DIRM
Candidates declared successful at the Technical Examination are required to undergo an Orientation Course to be conducted by the Institute. The Certificate of passing the IRM Course will be issued after completing the Orientation Course.
It is proposed to hold two batches of Orientation Courses at Chennai and New Delhi as per the following schedule.
Sl. No. Place of Orientation Programme Dates
1. Chennai 16 -21 March, 2009
2. New Delhi 18- 23 May, 2009
Following details may be noted in this regard:
Venue of the programme will be intimated to the concerned candidates in due course.
Programme will be conducted from 10:00 a.m. onwards each day except for first day, it will start at 9.30 a.m.
Refreshment and lunch would be arranged at the venue.
Seats will be allotted on first come first served basis.
With a view to ensure appreciable level of discussion during the technical sessions in the programme, the seats are limited to only forty.
Candidates have to make lodging arrangement on their own and have to bear the lodging charges. However a list of the nearby hotels to the venue will be made available to the candidates by the Institute in due course.
The eligible candidates are requested to intimate about their preferred center of participation at the Course to the undersigned by e-mail at coip@icai.org on or before 28th February, 2009.
Committee on Insurance & Pension