Understanding the importance of mandatory inquiry by magistrate before process issuance under Section 202 Crpc. Protecting innocent individuals from harassment.
Money laundering is the most organized crime. It has been creating a lot of problems in our country. Section 3 of Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002 [here-in mentioned PMLA, 2002] defines Money-laundering. Laundering means to clean something, here the launderer cleans illegally obtained funds which have been generated through criminal activity and allow this dirty money to be used in the economy.
Money-laundering can be defined as a process by which a person makes huge income out of the illicitly obtained money and he has placed it into a chain of transactions to hide its origin. Section 3 of Prevention of Money laundering Act, 2002 defines offences of Money-laundering. This article is small attempt to examine the […]