Tek Chand & Others vs Bhakra Beas Management Board (B.B.M.S.) and others (Supreme Court) It is common knowledge that a number of litigations arise in matters of promotion in government/semi-government services. The Central Government, the various State Government and their various independent functionalities have their own regulations for promotion. One such matter came up before […]
Rajinder Goel Vs High Court Of Punjab And Haryana & Anr. (Supreme Court of India) It cannot be denied that there is rampant corruption in all the three pillars of our Constitution. No wonder India is ranked very high in World Corruption Perception Index. However, the number of cases of corruption which are booked under […]
Neeraj Garg Vs Sarita Rani and ors. (Supreme Court of India) The Courts while deciding cases pass certain comments/observations against the counsels which are actually not required for the disposal of the case. The Apex Court in a recent judgement in Civil Appeal Nos. 4555 & 4559 of 2021 decided on August 2, 2021 in […]
Civitech Developers Private Limited Vs National E-Assessment Centre (Delhi High Court) Personal hearing, if prayed, should be allowed else E-assessment order vitiates for non compliance of statutory provisions & Principles of Natural Justice The scheme of faceless E- Assessment provides for personal hearing in certain circumstances. In case where the request for personal video link […]
Understanding the rights of clients and advocates in relation to litigation files. Learn about the issue of an advocate’s lien for fees in this informative blog post.
Understanding the transfer of third-party insurance in a vehicle hire agreement. Learn about a recent court case and the liabilities of insurance companies.
Laureate Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. Vs Charanjeet Singh (Supreme Court of India) Larger Bench of SC declares that HUDA v. Raje Ram 2008 (17) SCC 407 and Wing Commander Arifur Rahman Khan and Anr. v. DLF Southern Homes Pvt. Ltd. 2020 SCC Online 667 (SC) are not good law- Purchaser of flat entitled to interest on […]
Lethargy on part of the Government department in filing Appeals/SLP not acceptable after usage of IT & computerization- SC admonishes & deprecates the Public Authorities for casual approach. The Apex Court has been consistently warning Government & it’s Departments for their casual approach in delayed filing of Appeals/SLPs in the higher Courts without any reasonable […]
Kum. Akshatha Vs Secretary B.N.M. Education Institution and Anr. (Supreme Court of India) School Tours & School picnics are very common in schools and the students are always desirous for going in school Tours/Picnics as the students find these excursions informative, educative, and thrilling. However, there are some untoward incidents wherein the touring students suffer […]
State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors Vs Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma (Supreme Court of India) It is common knowledge that the Executive has become autocratic and deliberately disobey/discard the declarations of law and directions of the Courts. Consequently, when such matters crop up before the High Courts, they summon the highhanded officials to explain the circumstances […]