I was watching Amir Khan’s advertisement for Phone Pe on TV. The actor’s Motor Cycle was being destructed in a domino effect. Realizing the disaster in advance, the actor does not run to save his motorcycle but fills up form for insurance and makes payment through Phone Pe. The payment was so easy and fast […]
Nandlal Lohariya Vs Jagdish Chand Purohit and others (Supreme Court) It is common knowledge that professionals are also sometimes negligent in their service just like businessman or other service providers. The Consumer Protection Act provides redressal to all consumers for deficiency in service by the Service Providers. Builders, Hospitals, Airlines, Railways, Doctors, Businesses all are […]
It is common practice in the District Courts and the High Court for the advocates to pass “‘Illness Slip’ and the matter is usually passed over by the Courts. It is likely that the advocate may be unwell but there is also likelihood that the ‘illness slip’ is just a device/ruse employed by the said advocate to circumvent hearing/further proceedings of the Court.
Can a common man afford the services of a Senior Advocate? Explore the accessibility of Senior Advocates in the High Court/ Supreme Court.
SC enlarges the ambit of Limitation Act, 1963 for recovery of debts. Learn about the changes and implications of this landmark judgment.
Discover the importance of scholarships for students. Learn about the different types of scholarships available and their impact on education.
CBDT should clarify the taxability of prizes to Olympic players. Understand the controversy surrounding cash and kind prizes awarded by the government and private bodies.
Understanding the new rules under the Motor Vehicles Act for awarding just and fair compensation in accident cases. Learn how these rules override earlier judgments.
Shri Saurav Jain & Anr Vs A. B. P. Design & Anr (Supreme Court of India) Whenever a new question of law is raised before the Apex Court, it is fiercely contested that there is a bar for raising a new question of law for the first time as the High Court has not dealt […]
Prafull Kumar Vs State of U.P (Allahabad High Court) It is common knowledge that there is mounting pendency in the Courts. The Judiciary blames the Bar for their disinclination to wrap up the cases by seeking regular adjournments and filing frivolous applications to stall the process of law. The Judiciary is also concerned with the […]