Since last one year, SEBI has brought in a number of new regulations to improve the health of the broking industry. One of the circulars was issued by SEBI on 20th June 2019, which results into fallout of many broker firms, the bigger one is the Karvy.
In order to promote healthy growth of the securities market in India and to protect common investor in India, the SEBI vide SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Amendment Regulations, 2018 notified certain amendments to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations 2015
Companies Act, 2013 on financial reporting is being aligned to international practices and the introduction of Internal Financial Controls (IFC) in the Act is reflective of this trend. The Act has imposed specific responsibilities on the Board of Directors/ Audit Committee as well as on Independent Directors towards the company’s internal financial controls.