The article gives insight about will document and execution of the same. The author believes that the chartered accountant in the capacity of an executor can better assist with the process of working through the planning of the estate along with administration from an accounting and taxation perspective once the estate commences.
The concept of Independent Directors is a welcome step for corporate governance in India. Independent directors are expected to use their capacity, knowledge, and resources towards the maximization of stakeholders’ value and well-being.
The co-operative movement that was started to help the rural indebtedness has now made noticeable progress. The sector has grown in size and expanses, resulting in creating a space for itself in the economic framework of the country.
Introduction: The word ‘AUDIT’ has Latin origins. It is derived from the Latin term ‘audire,’ which means to hear as back then auditor used to listen to the accounts read over by an accountant in order to check them. In general, it is a synonym to control, check, inspect, and revise. From the time of […]
The term ‘money laundering’ is generally attributed to the collective of procedures involved in legitimizing assets amassed by means which may not behave been legitimate. Described otherwise, it involves the transmutation of ill-gotten proceeds into ostensibly legitimate assets, and sometimes into businesses developed as means to generate more revenues to finance the very ill-means from where the proceeds were generated in the first place.
The word ‘AUDIT’ has Latin origins. It is derived from the Latin term ‘audire,’ which means to hear as back then auditor used to listen to the accounts read over by an accountant in order to check them.
Minority being the victim need to be protected – Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement Introduction This article mainly deals with oppression and mismanagement. The Companies Act, 2013 under Chapter XVI covering Sections 241 to 246 deals with Oppression and mismanagement and Class Action. Further provisions for a class action are provided under Sections 245 and […]
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) are a set of accounting standards issued by the IPSAS Board (IPSASB) for use by public sector entities around the world in the preparation of financial statements. These standards are based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
Science is ‘a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanation and predictions about the universe’. Performing an audit and following the process results in testing and predictions whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
The importance of Audit of an organization is perhaps as same as what is oxygen for human being. It is a 360 degree review of all the organization working and to speculate whether the organization can expand or if there is some cost cutting to do.