"Shri. Zafarulla Sattar Khan was born at Shivamogga, he is a Youngest Son to his Father S.A Sattar Khan Mother Rahat Jan, and he had his Primary Education from Government Urdu School, Clerkpet Shivamogga, and higher Education from DVS School, and completed his B.Com Graduation in S.S Dempo College from Goa University. Thereafter he completed Article ship in the course of Chartered Accountancy from his Principal Mr. C.R Vasanth Kumar Chartered Accountant office in Shivamogga, and then he is registered as Authorised Tax practitioner from Government of Karnataka and Government of India, and started his individual practice as Tax practitioner from last 18 years. He is a Life Member of Shimoga District Chamber of Commerce & Industry- Shivamogga, & Life Member of All India Federation of Tax Practitioners, Member of Karnataka State Practitioner Association & Executive Board Member of Shimoga District Tax bar Association,. He has adopted a Certificate of Commitment from Central Vigilance Commission India towards his integrity Pledge and is committed to uphold highest standards of honesty and integrity and to follow probity and rules of Law in all Walks of Life. Apart from his Profession, he is an Social and RTI Activist, from last 15 years he serve in the field of Health & Education, to which he has Awarded as “Bharath Vikas Rathan Award, from THEG- New Delhi, and based on his contributions in Right to Information and Social work, he has Awarded as “National RTI Awareness Online Award, by RTI Online Service-Punjab., and also recognised as Best Social Worker by Shimoga based News Papers, Surya Gagana, Aaj Ka Inqalab, Roshni Urdu Khabarnama, and Religious Community based NGO’s and JCI Sharavathi- Shimoga. He holds a Position as State Secretary to State Waqf Property Protections Committee. In addition to his Social Service, he has been selected as District Secretary of All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice- New Delhi, under which he serves to Protect Human Rights and peace and raised Voice against the Violations of Human Rights in India as well internationally. Also hold a Certificate of Human Rights Pledge from National Human Rights Commission- India, to protect and promote human rights of all, at all times, without any discrimination. Recently he has been selected as “GLOBAL AMBASSADOR for Human Rights & Peace, by the Board of International Human Rights Advisory Council -New Delhi, which is Authorised Member of UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT, headed by Dr. Anthony Raju Advocate- Supreme Court – Global Chairman / President of the boards. He has set his Vision to discharge his function, purpose with great sense of responsibility, dedication, commitment and sincerity towards the humanity with compassion to fulfil the aims and objectives. In the Year 2020 he is a founder Trustee of “Anjuman-E-Islam Shivamogga – to serve the society with his strong team of other 10 founder Trustees. Contact cell: 7676558201 Email: zafarulla123@gmail.com "
Stay informed on the Special Drive Against Fake GST Registration from May 16th to July 15th, 2023. Understand the key steps and consequences for taxpayers outlined by Zafarulla Sattar Khan, Senior Tax Advisor. Ensure compliance to avoid penalties, registration cancellation, and input tax issues.