ITAT Delhi rules on Sh. Nikki Tyagi’s appeal against penalty under Sec. 271B for failure to audit accounts due to turnover limits. Clarifies income on commission basis.
ITAT Delhi hears Mohd Javed’s appeal against penalty under Sec. 271B, assessing the nature of cash deposits as agent turnover vs. personal income.
जीएसटी में ई-इनवॉइसिंग और ई-वे बिल का महत्व, उनकी आवश्यकताएं, अंतर और एकीकृत अनुपालन प्रक्रिया पर संक्षिप्त समीक्षा।
SEBI seeks public comments on revising the UPSI definition under Insider Trading Regulations for better clarity and compliance. Deadline: November 30, 2024.
ICAI announces new classification criteria for non-company entities’ Accounting Standards, effective April 1, 2024. Learn about MSME and Large Entity classifications.