Neelam Nitin Sankhe Vs CIT (ITAT Mumbai) The only reason for making addition of Rs.27.00 lacs in Assessment Year 2013-14 and Rs.5.00 lacs in Assessment Year 2014-15 is that the name of assessee appeared in some document found during the search action in the case of Ameya Group(supra). There is nothing on record to further […]
Treveni Cargo Movers Pvt. Ltd. Vs Union of India and Others (Punjab and Haryana HC) On asking of the Court, Mr. Rishabh Kapoor, Advocate-Sr. Standing counsel-CBIC, accepts notice on behalf of the respondent(s) and states that in the absence of production of consignment notes, the impugned order which is an appealable order, has been correctly […]
Commencement of reassessment proceedings while the scrutiny assessment proceedings were on.10.1 Petitioner had taken an objection in that regard, which seems to have escaped the mind of the AO while passing the order under Section 148A(d) of the Act.
Return of income so filed was late by one minute. Therefore, deduction claimed by assessee under section 80IA(4) of Act was denied by CPC
My Home Industries Pvt. Ltd. Vs State Tax Officer (Medras High court) The main ground on which order dated 14.05.2020 passed in terms of the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (in short ‘TNGST Act’) is assailed is that no pre-assessment notice/show cause notice was issued prior to passing of […]
The issue on merit that whether the service of construction of complex provided by the appellant’s cooperative housing society to its members is eligible to service tax or otherwise has been settled in favour of the appellant. It was informed by the learned counsel that the Hon’ble High Court’s judgment (supra) has been accepted by the revenue.
Corporate governance is the collective of procedures, ideals, and rules that direct a company’s management and direction. It entails the division of duties and rights among many parties, including shareholders, management, staff members, clients, vendors, and the general public.
Understand the impact of omitting Section 12(8) and Section 13(9) of the IGST Act on GST for Export Freight. Learn about determining the Place of Supply for services and its implications on transportation of goods outside India.
Incorporation of a company is a crucial step towards starting a business. In India, process of incorporating a company has been simplified by introduction of Spice Plus form under Companies Act 2013.
Over time, any business takes more capital to run. This money could be required in both the long and near term. Loans and advances might help you meet a short-term financial requirement. However, more finances will be needed for the run to last longer. This can be performed for a Private Limited Company by increasing the company’s authorized capital.