Trusts and other charitable institutions generally receive money from Voluntary Contributions from members and from the general public, let us look at the taxation aspects of these voluntary contributions.
Contribution towards Provident Fund is one of the area, which requires due consideration of Auditor while conducting Tax Audit. In industry, there are some confusions regarding the treatment of Contribution towards Provident Fund. Through this Article, I am trying to interpret the intent of the Act with regard to these provisions. Employer’s Contribution As per […]
Co-operative credit societies enjoy the deduction under section 80P in respect of the whole of their income attributable to banking business. However, the term ‘income attributable to banking business’ has become a vexed term, especially in light of recent judicial developments on the subject matter.
ratuity is a reward for long and meritorious service. In 1972 the government passed the Payment of Gratuity Act that made it mandatory for all employers with more than 10 employees to pay gratuity. Gratuity shall be payable to an “employee” on the termination of his employment
The concept of TDS requires that the person, on whom responsibility has been cast, is to deduct tax at the appropriate rates, from payments of specific nature which are being made to a specified recipient.
Many times, we faced this situation where we have TAN but we do not have any transaction for which we need to file any TDS return for that quarter. So in such situation most of people just don’t file return as well as they don’t even intimate regarding this to the department. Due to this […]
CBIC extends the facility of accepting undertaking in lieu of bond required during customs clearance for the period till 15.05.2020. Consequently, the date for submission of proper bond in lieu of which the undertaking is being temporarily accepted is extended till 30.05.2020 vide Circular No. 21/2020-Customs dated 21st April, 2020. Furthermore, in reference to para […]
Advisory to deductors making TDS payment through multiple challans in a month As we all are aware that, many times deductors used to pay TDS through multiple challans because of different section under which TDS deducted or the year of two payments are different or there are different deductees. This multiple payment challan is really […]
CBIC has decided to defer the implementation of Electronic Sealing-Deposit in and removal of goods from Customs Bonded Warehousing to 01st July, 2020 vide Circular No. 20/2020-Customs dated 21st April, 2020.
SEBI has extend the timelines for the following compliance requirements by their trading members / clearing members related to Submission towards weekly monitoring of client funds under the provisions of Enhanced Supervision, Submission of data on monthly basis towards clients’ and fund balance under the provisions of Enhanced Supervision, Daily margin trading reporting, Update in […]