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Archive: 22 April 2013

Posts in 22 April 2013

No third time cess payable on DTA clearances from EOU to DTA

April 22, 2013 8885 Views 5 comments Print

 The Larger Bench of the Hon’ble Tribunal has held that no third time cess is payable on clearance from an Export Oriented Unit (EOU) to the Domestic Tariff Area Unit (DTA), which is subject matter of litigation for long now.

97th amendment on co-ops unconstitutional -Gujarat HC

April 22, 2013 5417 Views 0 comment Print

As it appears from the portion highlighted by us, the question involved in that matter regarding the validity of the State Laws included in the Ninth Schedule cannot have any application to the facts of the present case. Regarding constituent power under Article 368, we have already relied upon the observations of the nine-bench-judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of I.R. Coelho [dead] by L.Rs. v. State of T.N. (supra) holding that by addition of the words ‘constituent power’ in Article 368, the amending body, namely, Parliament does not become the original Constituent Assembly. We, thus, find that the above decision relied upon by Mr. Champaneri does not help his client in any way.

Amendment in Import Policy of Fish Body Oil (Refined)

April 22, 2013 1071 Views 0 comment Print

The prescribed standard of EPA & DHA content in Fish Body Oil (Refined) has been revised to ‘Not less than 5% by weight’ without any upper limit.

Amendment in Policy Condition 1 to Chapter 40 of ITC(HS), 2012

April 22, 2013 939 Views 0 comment Print

Presently, the bracketed portion at the end of Policy Condition 1 appended to Chapter 40 of ITC (HS) 2012, Schedule 1 (Import Policy) reads as under: [This policy condition applies to EXIM codes 4012 11 00, 4012 12 00, 4012 13 00, 4012 19 10, 4012 19 20, 4012 20 10, and 4012 20 90].

DGFT restricts Import of items containing Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)

April 22, 2013 2097 Views 0 comment Print

Import of items containing Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) has been restricted and non-ODS items have been made free. A revised list of countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol under Appendix IV to Schedule 1 is notified.

To redress grievances DGFT may provide Personal Hearing

April 22, 2013 846 Views 0 comment Print

As a last resort to redress grievances of Importers/Exporters, DGFT may provide an opportunity for Personal Hearing (PH). For such PH, a specific request has to be made to DG if following conditions are satisfied:

Insurance Cos to file prescribed forms on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of terrorism matters

April 22, 2013 1941 Views 0 comment Print

Insurance Sector has entered into the seventh year of effective AML/CFT regime. At this juncture, there is a felt need to capture certain information on AML/CFT matters on a regular basis.

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