India batsman Sachin Tendulkar has announced his retirement from one-day international cricket. The Board of Control for Cricket confirmed the 39-year-old, regarded as the world’s greatest living batsman, had decided to bring an end to his 50-over career after 463 one-day international caps. Tendulkar spoke to BCCI president Narainswamy Srinivasan before announcing the decision.
Dresser Rand Company, USA was covered by Indo-US DTAA and as per Article 12(4) of the said Treaty, technical and consultancy services were not taxable in India and there was no obligation to deduct tax at source for the payment and such technical and consultancy services.
‘Force of attraction rule’ as explained in Article 7(3) of India-UK DTAA – Where a permanent establishment takes an active part in negotiation, concluding or fulfilling contracts entered into by the enterprise, then, notwithstanding that other parts of the enterprise have also participated in those transactions, that proportion of profits of the enterprise arising out of these contracts
Liaison work is not in the nature of any consultancy or advice. But only one of the temporary functions that was required for the functioning of the company. If a person does the activity of collecting of debts of a company that person cannot be considered to be doing management consultancy service though debt collection is a responsibility of the management. Based on such reasoning liaison work cannot be considered as “Management or Business Consultancy” and cannot be taxed under section 65(105)(r) of Finance Act 1994.
In the instant case the assessee seems to be quite negligent by not taking the necessary steps for filing the appeal within the time prescribed by the statute .The conduct of the assessee reveals that the assessee takes the condonation of delay provision as granted. The assessee did not care to submit any request for condonation of delay , even when it was brought specifically to his notice at the time of filing of appeal itself.
This appeal by the revenue is directed against the order dated 16.4.2004 of the Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) for the Assessment Year 2001-02.
Mrs. Chitra Venkataraman, J. – The following are the questions of law raised by the assessee in the tax case appeal filed as against the order of the Tribunal relating to the Assessment Year 2001-02.
No GTA services if custodial rights not transferred to transporter : The terms of the contract showed that this was a case where the operator was responsible only for the vehicle and there were no custodial rights or responsibilities in matter of goods carried. Since the assessee was responsible for the goods transported, consignment note, which is a document of title to the goods, was not issued.
After going through several decisions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and the nature of defects in relation to the appeals as pointed out by the Registry, certain common discrepancies/mistakes are noticed which are outlined below :
SR. NO NAME OF CANDIDATE – Central COUNCIL(west) 24. Zaware Shiwaji Bhikaji-Pune 22. Shah Dhinal Ashvinbhai-Ahmedabad 13. Jambusaria Nihar Niranjan-Mumbai 23. Vikamsey Nilesh Shivji-Mumbai