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Archive: 12 August 2012

Posts in 12 August 2012

Company Law – Amendment in regulations 14, 29 & Annexure- III & omission of regulation 36

August 12, 2012 943 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. GSR 630(E), dated 12-8-2012 – Company Law Board hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Company Law Board Regulations, 1991, namely:— 1. (1) These regulations may be called the Company Law Board (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012.

Encashment of bank guarantee amount to payment of duty / tax

August 12, 2012 3376 Views 0 comment Print

In this case initially the bank guarantee furnished, was not a duty deposit in advance, but a security. After the duty was determined, the encashment of bank guarantee will amount to duty paid as the encashed bank guarantee lost its character of security.

Right to set-off capital loss is a vested right not affected by amendment

August 12, 2012 1441 Views 0 comment Print

In the present case, the provisions of sec.74(1) as amended w.e.f. 1.4.2003 have been relied upon by the revenue authorities to disallow the assessee’s claim for set off of long-term capital loss relating to AY 2001-02 against short-term capital gain of the year under consideration and as already noted by us, the plain grammatical construction of the language of sec.74(1) as amended w.e.f. 1.4.2003 makes it clear that the same are applicable and deal with carry forward and set off of loss under the head “capital gain” incurred in AY 2003-04 and subsequent years. The right accrued to the assessee by virtue of sec.74(1) as it stood prior to the amendment made w.e.f.1.4.2003 thus has not been taken away either expressly by the provisions of sec. 74(1) as amended w.e.f. 1.4.2003 or even by implication.

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