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Archive: 16 January 2009

Posts in 16 January 2009

Amends notification No. 62/94-Customs Duty (N.T.), Dated: 21.11.1994

January 16, 2009 313 Views 0 comment Print

The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India vide notification No.62/94-Customs (N.T.), dated the 21st November, 1994 (S.O. No.829 (E), dated the 21st November, 1994 and was last amended by notification No.80/2008-(N.T.)- CUSTOMS, dated 26th June, 2008(S.O.No.1567 (E), dated 26th June, 2008).

‘Non-compete right’ acquired by an assessee is eligible for depreciation under clause (ii) of section 32(1) of IT Act

January 16, 2009 751 Views 0 comment Print

12.2 One can see very clearly that the clause (ii), introduced in section 32(1), w.e.f.01-04- 1999, not only extended the benefit of section 32 to the `intangible assets’ but also gave therein an `inclusive’ definition of the `intangible assets’, for this purpose. 15.4 It becomes clear from the above discussion that capability to have a market value, assignability

Notification No. 81 (RE-2008)/2004-2009, Dated: 16.01.2009

January 16, 2009 232 Views 0 comment Print

Import Policy under Exim Code No. 2803 00 10 shall be amended to read as “Free” (instead of “Restricted”), provided cif value is Rs. 80,000/- PMT and above. However, import of items under this Code, priced below Rs. 80,000/- PMT shall continue to be restricted.

Notification No. 80 (RE-2008)/2004-2009, Dated: 16.01.2009

January 16, 2009 298 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 read with Section 3(2) of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) and also read with Para 1.3 and Para 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009, the Central Government hereby makes following amendments to Notification No.93(RE-2007)/2004-2009 dated 1st April, 2008 as amended from time to by substituting Para 2.1.7 added vide Notification No.48 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 13th October, 2008, read with Notification No.53 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 4th November, 2008.

No Clarity on Legal Action Against Auditors-TOI

January 16, 2009 279 Views 0 comment Print

COIMBATORE: Angry shareholders of Satyam may be miffed with the statutory auditors who have come in for sharp criticism following the dramatic revelations of accounting fraud in what is being billed as the country’s Enron. But there is not much clarity on the kind of action shareholders can take against the auditors Pricewaterhouse Coopers under […]


January 16, 2009 333 Views 0 comment Print

Following is the text of the statement made by Shri Prem Chand Gupta, Minister of Corporate Affairs, at the Press Conference held here this evening:

Cash Credit & Addition under Section 68 of Income Tax Act

January 16, 2009 1133 Views 0 comment Print

If there is cash credit, creditworthiness of the creditor, genuineness of the entry, identity of the creditor, the source of money, etc. is required to be considered under section 68 of Income-tax Act.

7 Indian companies so far been banned by World Bank Including Satyam

January 16, 2009 688 Views 0 comment Print

Satyam, and now, Wipro Technologies and Megasoft, join the 300 companies that have been blacklisted by the World Bank Since 2000. The list includes four other India-based vendors.

SFIO will investigate Satyam Fraud Case

January 16, 2009 288 Views 0 comment Print

The ministry of corporate affairs ordered investigation into the Satyam scandal by the Serious Frauds Investigation Office (SFIO), a multi-functional investigating agency that has representations from the ministry of home affairs, Enforcement Directorate and the Intelligence department.

Exclusion period for grant of interest under section 244A (1) of IT Act to the Assessee

January 16, 2009 1574 Views 0 comment Print

11. Section 244A has been inserted on the statute by the Direct Tax Laws (Amendment) Act, 1989 we f. 1st day of April 1989 and it has been inserted in lieu of Section 214 243 and 244. Sub-section (1) of Section 244A provides for granting of refund by the Revenue to the assessee in the cases where payment of advance tax and TDS exceeds the tax liability In the present case, there is no dispute so as for the entitlement of assessee to get refund, but the controversy is regarding the period which is to be excluded as per provisions of Section 244A (2).

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