Income Tax : Learn if cash payments over ₹10,000 for electricity bills are allowed under Section 40A(3) of Income Tax Act. Understand exempti...
Income Tax : Section 40A(3) restricts cash payments exceeding ₹10,000 in business transactions. Exceptions apply for specific cases like tran...
Income Tax : Explore the rules and regulations governing cash transactions in real estate deals to ensure tax compliance. Learn about permissib...
CA, CS, CMA : जानें जीएसटी और आयकर एक्ट में नकद संव्यवहार के नि...
Income Tax : Dive into critical tax regulations and provisions, from related party payments to cash disallowance, and learn how they impact you...
Income Tax : It is suggested that there should be a positive provision under the I.T. Act that any transaction involving more than Rs.3,00,000/...
Income Tax : Assessee had given cash to her employee who was the supervisor or the agent who in turn made payment to the sellers of the gold an...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that once the unaccounted receipts from the sale of properties are subjected to taxation as part of the capita...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could not be invoked when cash is sourced out of recorded s...
Income Tax : A search and seizure action u/s.132 of the Act was conducted in the assessee's case on 14.11.2019. AO observed that during the cou...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that when the cash is sourced out of recorded sales, the provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could n...
ITAT Nagpur held that when a liquidation order has been passed, no suit or other legal proceedings shall be instituted by or against the corporate debtor. Thus, IBC Code will override anything inconsistent contained in any other enactment, including Income Tax Act.
ITAT Jaipur held that disallowance of contribution of EPF/ESI of employees contribution justified since amount deposited beyond the due date of respective Acts. Notably, deduction is not allowance even if contribution is deposited before filing of return u/s. 139(1).
ITAT Ahmedabad held that the entire proceedings under Section 263 of the Act were initiated and completed by the PCIT within a period of only 12 days without pointing out reason for lack of enquiry unjustified. Accordingly, matter restored back.
The assessee is a contractor who is involved in the construction of roads, bridges, runways and tunnels etc. The assessee is also engaged in the business of operating petrol bunks, cinema theatres and manufacture of blue metals and ready-mix concrete.
As per the AO, the impugned payment in cash exceeding the specified limit was not allowable as deduction and accordingly the AO disallowed the same under the provisions of section 40A(3) of the Act and added to the total income of the assessee.
ITAT Indore partly upheld disallowance of cash payments under Section 40A(3, affirming Rs. 1.14 crore in disallowed transactions for the year 2014-15.
Learn if cash payments over ₹10,000 for electricity bills are allowed under Section 40A(3) of Income Tax Act. Understand exemptions and related case laws.
Penalty under section 270 A was not leviable as the nature of addition/disallowance were not in the nature of misreporting or misreporting income of assessee and assessee had paid the demand within 30 days and filed the required form no. 68 and that form was procedural in nature.
Tribunal upheld 20% addition instead of 25% on alleged bogus purchases due to unverified sellers agreeing that assessee failed to prove the genuineness of the transactions, and confirmed penalty proceedings.
Section 40A(3) restricts cash payments exceeding ₹10,000 in business transactions. Exceptions apply for specific cases like transporters, government payments, etc.