Income Tax : Learn if cash payments over ₹10,000 for electricity bills are allowed under Section 40A(3) of Income Tax Act. Understand exempti...
Income Tax : Section 40A(3) restricts cash payments exceeding ₹10,000 in business transactions. Exceptions apply for specific cases like tran...
Income Tax : Explore the rules and regulations governing cash transactions in real estate deals to ensure tax compliance. Learn about permissib...
CA, CS, CMA : जानें जीएसटी और आयकर एक्ट में नकद संव्यवहार के नि...
Income Tax : Dive into critical tax regulations and provisions, from related party payments to cash disallowance, and learn how they impact you...
Income Tax : It is suggested that there should be a positive provision under the I.T. Act that any transaction involving more than Rs.3,00,000/...
Income Tax : Assessee had given cash to her employee who was the supervisor or the agent who in turn made payment to the sellers of the gold an...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that once the unaccounted receipts from the sale of properties are subjected to taxation as part of the capita...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could not be invoked when cash is sourced out of recorded s...
Income Tax : A search and seizure action u/s.132 of the Act was conducted in the assessee's case on 14.11.2019. AO observed that during the cou...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that when the cash is sourced out of recorded sales, the provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could n...
Explore the intricacies of Section 40A(3)/(3A) – Cash Expenditure Restrictions. Understand conditions for disallowance, limits, and exceptions. Stay informed to navigate tax regulations effectively.
Embrace a cashless future! Explore the evolution of money from barter to digital currency. Discover the advantages of cashless transactions, from reducing theft risks to tracking black money and fostering transparent economies. Say no to cash transactions, say yes to a secure financial landscape.
Vikrant Happy Homes Pvt. Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Pune) Coming to the facts on hands in the present case the fact remains admitted that the sellers from whom the assessee purchased lands were identified the transaction and also acknowledged the cash payments, thereby, it shows the transaction is genuine, as discussed in the foregoing paragraphs […]
The case of the assessee is that the payments were covered under clause (k) of Rule 6DD, which provides that no disallowance will be made where the payment is made by any person to his agent who is required to make payment in cash for goods or services on behalf of such persons.
KRBL Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Delhi) During the course of assessment proceedings, the appellant submitted that the cash purchases were made by it from Mandi Samitis located across UP from farmers and hence did not fall under the ambit of the provisions of section 40A(3) of the Act, as the same were covered by Rule […]
ITO Vs Rahul Bharatbhushan Jain (ITAT Ahmedabad) Therefore, for applicability of s. 40A(3) of the Act, if a person makes different payments in cash to same person in excess of Rs 20,000 (w.e.f. A.Y. 2018-19 Rs 10000/-) in a single day even though on separate cash memos, such aggregate payment will be disallowed u/s 40A(3). […]
Ratilal & Sons Vs ITO (ITAT Mumbai) For invoking provisions of section 40A(3) of the Act, following conditions need to be cumulatively satisfied:- (i) there should be an expenditure; (ii) expenditure should be in mode other than prescribed by the section; and (iii) amount of expenditure should be more than Rs. 20,000. As stated in […]
Understanding the cash transactions limit under GST & Income Tax. Learn about the provisions and restrictions when receiving amounts of Rs 2 lacs or more.
After the demonetization of currency, the government was aiming to regularize the cash transaction and therefore they have come with various provisions to discourage such transactions. Following are various provision brought to Income tax law 1961 and other laws in simple language – 1. SECTION 40A(3) – Payment or aggregate of payments is made to […]
Smt. Poonam Mittal Vs ITO (ITAT Amritsar) We find that the AO had invoked his powers u/s.154 of the Act for disallowing u/s.40A(3) of the Act the assessee’s claim for deduction of bonus of Rs.2,47,380/- that was stated to have been paid in cash, i.e., in excess of the prescribed limit of Rs.20,000/-. In our […]