DGFT : Explore evolution, regulations, and challenges of insider trading in India. Learn about SEBI's role, notable cases, and proposed s...
DGFT : Learn everything about the Advance Authorisation Scheme for duty-free inputs in exports. Eligibility, application procedure, duty ...
DGFT : Foreign Trade Policy update: DGFT extends RoDTEP benefits to AA, EOU, and SEZ units vide Notification No. 70/2023, dated March 8, ...
DGFT : Explore how manufacturers can import goods for export production without a BIS certificate through Advance Authorization, ensuring...
DGFT : Explore the Amnesty Scheme for Advance Authorization and EPCG License holders provided by the Government. Regularize pending cases...
DGFT : CBIC introduces electronic disbursal of duty drawback directly to exporter's bank accounts via PFMS, enhancing transparency and ef...
Custom Duty : CBIC's E-scrip module for digital access to RoSCTL and RoDTEP schemes. Step-by-step guide for exporters, including account creati...
DGFT : Government is implementing Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES) with the objective of assisting Central and State Govern...
DGFT : Export Promotion Government is encouraging and promoting Indian exports in international markets and initiate suitable interventio...
DGFT : EPCG stands for Export Promotion Capital Goods. The objective of this scheme is to facilitate the import of capital goods with the...
Custom Duty : Read the full text of the CESTAT Kolkata order on whether Olectra Greentech qualifies for DFIA scheme benefits for importing Lithi...
Custom Duty : CESTAT Kolkata upholds refund claim by New Way Vyapaar Private Limited, stating customs duty paid through DEPB Scrip cannot be rej...
DGFT : Supreme Court has reversed the decision of Guj HC Decision & allowed the Revenue Appeal GST/Customs - Section 3(7) and Section (9...
Custom Duty : DEPB licences sold by the appellant were based on fabricated documents showing export of goods to Bangladesh through Land Customs ...
Custom Duty : Colour Cottex Pvt Ltd Vs Commissioner of Customs (Exports) (Delhi High Court) Delhi High Court find merit in Revenues contention...
Custom Duty : Explore instructions from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue for reducing physical interface while addressing queries ...
Custom Duty : Explore the Ministry of Finances Amnesty Scheme for one-time settlement of export obligation defaults by Advance License and EPCG ...
Custom Duty : The Ministry of Textiles announces updates to the RoSCTL scheme, increasing rebates on textile exports until March 2026. Details i...
Custom Duty : Read about the Ministry of Textiles' decision to extend the RoSCTL scheme for apparel and made-ups exports, ensuring competitivene...
Custom Duty : Introduction: In a significant development for exporters, the Government of India, through the Ministry of Finance’s Departm...
Exporters Bonanza If you are exporting the services, your net profit can be increased by 5% to 7% because Indian government is giving incentive on service exports? There is a scheme Service Export from India Scheme (SEIS) in Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 where Government of India has notified various eligible services, rates & conditions for […]
The big question now a days is whether the export incentives are going to be scrapped? India lost the case against United States of America (USA) in World Trade Organisation (WTO). USA alleged that India is violating the provisions of Subsidies and Countervailing Measurers Agreement (SCM) by giving export rewards to its exporters in form […]
In order to boost the economy and promote exports from India, there has been various schemes notified under Foreign Trade Policy (2015-20) giving the incentive to the exporters to make the Indian products price competitive in the international markets. Further it is also clear that the taxes should not be exported as per the international norms and hence the benefits under FTP.
EIH Associated Hotels Ltd. Vs Commr. of Customs (E) (CESTAT Mumbai) After considering the submissions of both sides, we find that in the first round of litigation when the original authority confirmed the demand and confiscated the goods with a redemption fine of Rs.1,00,000/-, the appellant filed appeal before the Commissioner (Appeals) and the Commissioner […]
RoDTEP is a new scheme to replace the existing MEIS scheme for exports of goods from India, which aims to reimburse the taxes and duties incurred by exporters such as local taxes, coal cess, mandi tax, electricity duties and fuel used for transportation, which are not getting exempted or refunded under any other existing scheme. The rebate would be claimed as a percentage of the Freight On Board (FOB) value of exports.
Cabinet has approved WTO compliant scheme for ‘Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP)‘ to boost exports for enhancing Exports to International Markets. The scheme is explained here below in simplified manner – #Objective of RoDTEP scheme To make Indian exports cost competitive and create a level playing field for exporters in International […]
Cabinet approves scheme for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) to boost exports Scheme for enhancing Exports to International Markets.
A New Scheme Remission of Duties & Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) is being drafted by The Ministry of Commerce to replace the existing Schemes. The Ministry is deliberating with Trade & Industry and has already issued circulars for Trade to propose to them on the suggested benefits for their Industry. It is the right time for Trade & Industry to respond and share their views in the best interest of their Industry.