Punjab National Bank
Share Department, Finance Division, HO Plot No.4 Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Tel Nos : 011-28044866 E-mail : hosd@pnb.co.in
Script Code : PNB | Script Code : 532461 |
The Asstt. Vice President National Stock Exchange of India Limited “Exchange Plaza”, Sandra – Kurla Complex, Sandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051 | The Dy. General Manager Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Pt Floor, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001 |
Date: 01.03.2018
Dear Sir
Reg: News Clarifications and updates
With reference to media reports regarding “PNB Appoints BDO for forensic Audit of 5 Nirav Modi Cos”. We submit as under:
Si No | Query | Our reply |
1 | Whether such event stated in published news were taking place? If so, you are advised to provide the said information along with the sequence of events in chronological order |
Bank had initiated the process of assigning Forensic Audit in the accounts of Nirav Modi Group and bids were invited from major audit firms. Bid from M/s BDO India LLP was Ll and after negotiations with them, M/s BDO India LLP has been appointed as Forensic Auditor for 5 group companies of Nirav Modi on 27.02.18 |
2 | The material impact of this article on the Company. | Material Impact will be NIL beskes the payment of fees for the Forensic audit being conducted. |
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
(Balbir Singh)
Company Secretary
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