Office of the Commissioner of Customs NS II, Mumbai Zone-II
Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House, Nhava Sheva, Tal: Uran, Dist: Raigad, Maharashtra- 400707
F.No.S/12-Gen-60/2018-19/ AM (X) JNCH Dated: 20.03.2019
Public Notice No. 28/2019-JNCH
(Amendment to Public Notice No. 13/2019)
Subject: Standard operating procedure consequent to commencement of “document Processing Area” in the parking plaza and gate automation for export & import through NSICT/NSIGT, GTI & JNPCT-reg.
Attention of exporters, custom brokers, all other stakeholders & officers of JNCH is invited to the Public Notice No. 13/2019, dated 06.02.2019 issued by this custom house, on the above mentioned subject.
2. Paragraph 6 of the above mentioned public notice stipulates that only in exceptional cases/circumstances, such as vessel missed, etc. the self sealed containers can be taken out from a parking plaza, for keeping/ stories in the buffer yard/CFS with prior permission/ approval of the Deputy/ Assistant Commissioner in charge of the parking plaza who shall accord such permission after verifying genuiness of the request.
3. It has been represented by the trade that the permission/ approval from Deputy/Assistant Commissioner is causing delay due to the fact that he is available only in the custom house and his other engagements. This problem is reported to be more accute on Saturdays/Sundays/other public holidays and during night hours. Thus, the current practice, reportedly takes time and adversaly affect the dwell time & increases cost of export.
4. The issues raised by the trade have been considered. With a view to expedite the approval for shifting of containers to buffer yards/CFSs and as a trade facilitation measure, it has been decided that henceforth, the Superintendent (In each parking plaza) will process all such requests & accord permission on the merit of each case. A record of all such permissions granted in the course of a week, i.e., from Monday to Sunday, shall be maintained at each parking plaza.
5. The Superintendents of the respective parking plazas shall put up a consolidated weekly report of all such permissions to the Deputy/Assistant Commissioner in the forenoon of the succeding Monday for ex-post facto approval.
6. It is once again reitrated that self-sealed containers dispatched from the factory/warehouse in advance, need not to be brought inside parking plazas, and the same be brought to parking plazas for LEO as per terminal gate open schedule.
7. The Public Notice No. 13/2019 stands modified to the above extent.
8. The contents of this public notice shall operate as a standing order so far as officers and staff of Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House are concerned.
9. Difficulty, if any, faced while implementing the Public Notice may also be brought to the notice of Deputy Commissioner in charge of parking plaza through email/phone(email address:, Phone No: 022-27244979).
Copy to:
1. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II.
2. All the Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II.
3. All Addl./ Joint Commissioners of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II.
4. All Deputy/Asstt. Commissioners of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II.
5. The DC/EDI for uploading on the JNCH website.
6. Representatives of CFSAI/BCBA/FIEO/CSLA/MANSA for information and circulation among their members and other shipping lines operating at Nhava Sheva Port.