Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 011
15th February, 2021
Trade Notice No. 41/2020-21-DGFT
Subject: Introduction of online e-Certificate Management System for Imports -reg
As a part of IT Revamp, this Directorate proposes to introduce new modules (online e-Certificate Management System) for processing of certain applications. From 22.02.2021 onwards, the following applications types are required to be submitted online through the importer/exporter’s dashboard on the DGFT Website –
i. I Card (as under ANF-2B)
ii. Free Sale and Commerce Certificate (as under ANF-2H & 2I)
iii. End User Certificate (as under ANF-2J)
iv. Status Holder Certificate (as under ANF-3C)
3. All such certificates would be issued electronically with QR code and a Unique Document Identification Number(UDIN) for electronic verification.
4. Please navigate to → ‘Certificate Management System’ to access the new e-module. Please note that the entire process is designed to be paperless and contactless. Any submission, communication, clarification, correction as well as the approval of submitted applications would be electronic. However, attested paper copies of the certificates may be requested from the jurisdictional DGFT RA concerned when required.
5. For guidance on these new processes, the Help manual & FAQs may be accessed at → Learn → ‘Application Help & FAQs’. For any further assistance you may utilize any of the following channels –
i. Raise a service request ticket through the DGFT Helpdesk service under Services → ‘Trade Helpdesk Service’
ii. Call the toll-free Helpdesk number
iii. Send an email to the Helpdesk on
(Md. Moin Afaque)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from File: 01/02/29/AM-20/EG&TF)