Email- ccu-cusmum2@nic.in
F. No. S/V-30-Misc-508/2020-21/ CCO M-II ( A-Cell)
Standing Order No. 08/2021
Subject:-An aspect of Responsibility of an officer while discharging official duties.
All officers should take note of the following observations of Hon’ble CAT (PB), New Delhi made while disposing matter related to over-valued export of glass beads under erstwhile DEPB Scheme:
“The very purpose of having hierarchy of officers for taking a decision on whatever matter, is to ensure that no lapse occurs at any stage. It is true that the detailed verification would be done at the lower level. However, the one, who ultimately approves it, cannot be expected to blindly sign whatever is placed before him. It was particularly so, when huge financial implication were involved. The applicant was required to make a physical verification to satisfy him, though not in the same manner as in the case of Inspector and Superintendent. If his function was just to put seal of approval on whatever was done by the Inspector and Superintendent the very exercise becomes redundant.”
2. The above observations were made in the context of the role of Assistant/Deputy Commissioner, but have relevance to higher levels as well.
3. Kindly note the observations for guidance and be diligent and vigilant in discharge of your official duties.
This issues with the approval of Chief Commissioner.
(Dipin Singla)
Additional Commissioner of Customs, CCCU
1. The Pr. Commissioner of Customs NS-I/ NS-III
2. The Commissioner of Customs NS-Gen/ NS-II/NS-Audit/ NS-V.
3. All Additional/Joint Commissioners of Customs, JNCH.
4. All Deputy/Assistant Commissioners of Customs, JNCH.
5. All Section/Groups/Docks, under JNCH.
6. All officers and Staff of JNCH.
7. DC/AC EDI for uploading on JNCH Website.