Addition under section 68 on account of bogus shre capital was unjustified as the identity and creditworthiness of share subscribers and genuineness of receipt of share capital stood established and non-production of directors of subscriber companies could not be a sole ground to make addition.
Yokogawa India Ltd Vs Union of India (Karnataka High Court) Facts Assailing the communication dated 22.03.2019 issued by the respondent No.6, Petitioner inter alia seeks a direction to the respondents to enable them to revise their Form GST TRAN-1 in order to transit the amount of Rs.4,31,32,066/- in the Electronic Credit Ledger in terms of […]
Office of the Commissioner of Sales Tax, (GST), 8th floor, GST Bhavan, Mazgaon, Mumbai-400010. TRADE CIRCULAR No: ACST (VAT)-3/Led. Confirmation/SAP/2018-19/B- 535 Mumbai, Dt 25/04/19 Trade Circular No. 15T of 2019 Subject : Submission of details of sales through Online Ledger Confirmation Utility.. Reference : Trade Circular No. 30T of 2018 dated 24/10/2018 Your attention is invited towards […]
Companies deals with more stringent regulations as compared to Non-corporate Entities which majorly pursue common objectives or formed to provide benefits/services to its members. Non-corporate Entities may be incorporated in the form of society, trust, club, welfare association, civic bodies etc. Usually the Governing Body/Council of Non-corporate Entities comprises of members chosen from among the […]
MCA has vide its notification dated 21st February, 2019 notified an ordinance for banning the Unregulated Deposit Scheme with immediate effect. Ordinance is named ‘The Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Ordinance, 2019‘. Deposit– Deposit means an amount of money received by way of an advance or loan or in any other form, by any deposit taker with […]
For employees with monthly pay of less than Rs 15,000, however, inclusion of all allowances in wages for PF calculation would result in a lower take-home salary. For employees with monthly pay of more than Rs15,000, Calculation of PF for Employer Contribution will be restricted to 12% of Rs. 15,000 only. So there will be no impact for such employees.