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Archive: 01 May 2015

Posts in 01 May 2015

New features/ Options of e-form INC-29

May 1, 2015 12518 Views 12 comments Print

eForm INC-29 deals with the single application for reservation of name, incorporation of a new company and/or application for allotment of DIN. This eForm is accompanied by supporting documents including details of Directors & subscribers, MoA and AoA etc.

Delhi VAT- Modification of Circular No. 27 of 2014-15 dated 27/02/2015

May 1, 2015 2017 Views 0 comment Print

CIRCULAR NO. 09 OF 2015-16 Dated: 01/05/2015- In partial modification of this department’s Circular No.27 of 2014-15, the following Assistant Commissioner(mentioned in Col.No.4) is hereby authorised as Spl.OHA for hearing the objections with respect to 2A-2B mismatch of 2012-13 in place of the Assistant Commissioners, transferred out from this department(mentioned in Col.No.2), till further orders :-

Delhi VAT- Default Assessment under CST Act

May 1, 2015 3919 Views 0 comment Print

CIRCULAR No. 8 of 2015-16 Dated 01/05/2015 Attention is invited to all Assessing Authorities to this department Circular no 5 of 2014-15 dated: 04/08/2014, whereby it was directed that, no Assessing Authorities shall frame any central assessment related to Central declaration forms and where no refund is involved

Allocation of quantity for export of sugar to EU under CXL quota and to USA under Tariff Rate Quota

May 1, 2015 862 Views 0 comment Print

The quantity of sugar to be exported to EU under CXL Quota and to USA under TRQ upto 30.09.2015 has been notified.

Pre-import condition mandatory for import of 'raw sugar' under Advance Authorisation scheme

May 1, 2015 1024 Views 0 comment Print

Pre-import condition shall be mandatory for import of raw sugar under Advance Authorisation scheme. Export obligation period for raw sugar imported under Advance Authorisation has been reduced to six months from the date of clearance of each consignment by customs authority.

Increase in per consignment CIF value for border trade between India and China

May 1, 2015 657 Views 0 comment Print

PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 7/2015-2020 DATED THE 1st May, 2015 For border trade between India and China, the CIF value per consignment is being increased from ₹ 1,00,000/- to ₹ 2,00,000/- in case of Nathula, while for Gunji and Namgaya Shipkila, the existing CIF value limit of ₹ 25,000/- is being enhanced to ₹ 1,00,000/-.

Notification No. 17/2015-Customs (ADD), Dated 1st May, 2015

May 1, 2015 2265 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 17/2015-Customs (ADD), Dated the 1st May, 2015 Seeks to extend the validity of notification No. 57/2010-CUSTOMS, dated the 3rd May, 2010 for a further period of one year.

PM Letter to Farmers on Budget 2015

May 1, 2015 2125 Views 0 comment Print

India is a country of farmers. As a nation, our roots lie in our villages and farms, which have been providing sustenance to our people for generations. Our festivals, fairs and functions are all based on our agricultural heritage and background. You are our Annadaata, for which we are eternally grateful and indebted to you.

PM Letter to youth of the country on Budget 2015

May 1, 2015 652 Views 0 comment Print

Prime Minister 31 March 2015 My Dear Young friends, With 65% of our population under the age of 35, India is the youngest nation in the world. It is built on your toil and enterprise. You are our competitive advantage- our biggest strength. In your success, lies the success of the nation. Yet, not enough […]

PM Letter to Industrial Workers on Budget 2015

May 1, 2015 615 Views 0 comment Print

A Shrama Yogi like you fulfills many of our nation1s needs. You build India through your sweat and toil. You support the economy with much needed muscle and skills. The products that we use everyday are a result of your labour. Your importance in our society can thus not be emphasized enough.

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