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Archive: 21 January 2015

Posts in 21 January 2015

Limitation period U/s. 11B of Excise Act not applies if Service tax was not payable under law

January 21, 2015 3868 Views 0 comment Print

C K P Mandal (the Appellant) is a Charitable Trust. It has two halls which are given on hire for various functions. On hire charges, the Appellant was paying Service tax under the category of Mandap keeper. The Appellant also received donations from caterers and decorators for permitting them to use the halls.

Audit initiated against service recipient cannot be a ground to reject VCES declaration of Assessee

January 21, 2015 1298 Views 0 comment Print

The Hon’ble High Court of Madras after observing that there was no audit initiated/ conducted against the Petitioner or in business premises of the Petitioner, held that: Audit of service recipient, SIPL is not relevant and the Petitioner was never put to notice before March 1, 2013;

No Service tax leviable on Chit Fund business even after June 1, 2007 -SC

January 21, 2015 2132 Views 0 comment Print

The sub-clause (v) of Section 65(12) of the Finance Act, 1994 (the Finance Act) providing the definition of ‘Banking and Other Financial services’ was amended vide the Finance Act, 2007 (effective from June 1, 2007) by deletion of the expression ‘but does not include cash management’.

SEBI considers amending SEBI (ICDR) Regulations to align with FEMA Regulations

January 21, 2015 3011 Views 0 comment Print

Securities and Exchange Board of India (hereinafter known as SEBI) in its Board Meeting held on 21st January, 2015 has approved proposal to carry out some amendments in SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 ( Regulations, 2009) with FEMA Act so as to harmonize the norms on receipt of upfront payment and tenure of partly paid shares / warrants.

Assessee eligible to avail remaining 50% of Cenvat credit on Capital Goods which were cleared during year of receipt

January 21, 2015 996 Views 0 comment Print

Nilkamal Ltd. (the Appellant) was engaged in the manufacture of excisable goods and for the manufacture of these goods, they had purchased some moulds as Capital Goods. Upon receipt of the said moulds in the factory, the Appellant availed 50% of the eligible Cenvat credit on the moulds as Capital Goods and the moulds were put to use for some time in the factory for further manufacturing of excisable goods.

Documents to be submitted by first time importers

January 21, 2015 4799 Views 0 comment Print

Following documents are required to be submitted by the first time importers, namely:- i) Copy of VAT/sales Tax Registration Certificate. ii) Certificate from the Bank with whom the Bank account is being maintained by the importer certifying the signatures, name and address of the importer.

Celebration of Central Excise Day

January 21, 2015 1381 Views 0 comment Print

Twenty fourth February of every year is celebrated as Central Excise Day and different programmes are organized by different formations to mark the day Board vide its letter of even number dated 6.2.2014 had listed certain suggested activities that could be organized to celebrate the day.

Notice for Empanelment of Standing Counsels with Income Tax Department

January 21, 2015 3200 Views 0 comment Print

Applications are invited from the tax lawyers of substantial standing and repute and with good academic credentials for the empanelment of Senior and Junior Standing Counsels for representing tax matters of the Income Tax Department in the High Court of Delhi and other fora.

Sukanya Samriddhi Account deposit eligible for Section 80C Deduction

January 21, 2015 28521 Views 9 comments Print

Notification No.09/2015 – Income Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (viii) of sub-section (2) of section 80C of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby specifies the ‘Sukanya Samriddhi Account’ for the purposes of the said clause.

Exam Results : Kahin Khushi Kahin Gham

January 21, 2015 3866 Views 0 comment Print

I write this article on 20th January 2015, one day after the CA Final results were declared. As with any result there were moments of ecstasy on one side and then there were moments of sorrow and crying for those who couldn’t clear. Those who cleared were apparently visible and vociferous all over the social media be it Facebook or LinkedIn or emails.

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