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Archive: 06 September 2012

Posts in 06 September 2012

Multilateral Convention in Tax Matter & Assessment of Black Money Parked Abroad

September 6, 2012 723 Views 0 comment Print

In order to find out the quantum of black money parked by Indians in the country and abroad and to recommend ways to deal with the problem of black money Government had entrusted this work to three institutions in March, 2011.

IT Platform to Integrate Central and State Indirect Taxes Regime

September 6, 2012 831 Views 0 comment Print

The Government has approved a proposal to set up an IT platform to integrate Central and State indirect tax regime in the context of implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the context of implementation requires a strong IT Infrastructure and Service backbone to enable capture, processing and exchange of information amongst the various stakeholders in GST which includes tax payers, Central and States Governments, Banks, RBI etc.

Violation of Accounting Principles by 316 companies & 73 audit firms

September 6, 2012 3194 Views 0 comment Print

The Government is aware that violation of accounting principles and financial irregularities are being carried out by various companies and their audit firms. During the last three years, 316 companies and 73 audit firms were found guilty of violation of accounting principles and other financial irregularities for non-compliance of disclosure norms. Prosecutions have been filed against such companies and audit firms, under section 211 and section 227 read with section 233 respectively of the Companies Act, 1956 for such violations.

Chart of Service Tax under Reverse Charge Mechanism by a Corporate Entity

September 6, 2012 55070 Views 0 comment Print

In this Article Author has discussed Reverse Charge Mechanisam on Services of an insurance agent to any person carrying on insurance business, Services of goods transport agency in respect of transportation of goods by road, Services by way of sponsorship , Services of an arbitral tribunal Services of advocates (individual/firm), Services of directors of a company, Support services by Government or local authority, Import of Service, Renting of a motor vehicle designed to carry passengers on abated value / non abated value, Supply of manpower for any purpose or security services & Works contract.

VAT (What) is the confusion all about in real estate- Part I

September 6, 2012 13397 Views 0 comment Print

The state government’s move to generate revenue by taxing the sale of flats and imposing a VAT levy on the same has stirred up a hornet’s nest! VAT to many, is seeming like a new entrant to the list of levies on the already heavily burdened real estate sector and therefore there is a stiff opposition that the government is facing from consumers and realtors both.

Rate of exchange of conversion of each of foreign currency WEF 07th September, 2012

September 6, 2012 2314 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 80/2012 – Customs (N.T.) Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currency specified in column (2) of each of Schedule I and Schedule II annexed hereto into Indian currency or vice versa shall, with effect from 7th September, 2012 be the rate mentioned against it in the corresponding entry in column (3) thereof, for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods.

HC take note of Denial of TDS credit & illegal adjustment of refund by CPC Bangalore

September 6, 2012 5416 Views 0 comment Print

The assessees must be given an opportunity to file response or reply and the reply will be considered and examined by the Assessing Officer before any direction for adjustment is made. The process of issue of prior intimation and service thereof on the assessee will be as per the law. The assessees will be entitled to file their response before the Assessing Officer mentioned in the prior intimation.

Verification mechanism & monitoring of export obligation under duty exemption/ reward Schemes- reg

September 6, 2012 649 Views 0 comment Print

Circular No. 25 /2012-Cus oard has decided to prescribe that when address verifications or Installation Certificate verifications are requested by the Customs authorities in respect of EPCG authorizations, the Central Excise authorities should include, in their verification, a check of the periodical utility bills (containing the address) as one of the means enabling verification of installation/ operation/ licencee premises.

Income-tax Department to Use Rs. 80 crores to enhance organizational efficiency

September 6, 2012 627 Views 0 comment Print

The Directorate of Income-tax has informed vide letter dated 27.08.2012 that the Finance Minister has approved utilization of 1% incremental revenue earned during F.Y. 2009-10 amounting to Rs, 80.63 crore. The amount has to be utilized for enhancing organizational efficiency, infrastructure and wherewithal. The Officers have been requested to forward their suggestions for utilization of the funds by 15th September, 2012. It has been clarified that the funds will be used for schemes that result in enhancing organizational efficiency, infrastructure and wherewithal of Income Tax Department and not for welfare schemes of employees.

HC jailed Top Custom Authorities for ‘Contempt of Court’

September 6, 2012 1850 Views 0 comment Print

This petition has been filed by the petitioner for initiating a proceeding of contempt against the opposite parties for their deliberate and willful non-compliance and violation of order dated 14.11.2011,

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