India has emerged among the four fastest wealth creator countries in the world and its growth momentum is expected to gather further steam going forward, a global study has said. In its annual Global Wealth Report, management consulting firm Boston Consulting Group has listed the US, China, the UK and India as the nations showing the largest absolute gains in wealth in 2010.
Pension regulator, PFRDA, today said that it would like to maintain the 50 per cent limit on investment in equities for the new pension fund, regardless of the recommendation of the Bajpai committee. We think that at the current stage of pension market in the country, investing more than 50 per cent in equities is not going to be fair to investors in terms of the risk that has to be taken, and therefore, we tend to retain the cap at 50 per cent, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Chairman, Mr Yogesh Agarwal, said on the sidelines of the 26th Skoch Summit here.
Hyderabad Distilleries And Wineries Pvt Ltd Vs DCIT (ITAT Hyderabad)- Whether selling and publicity expenses can be disallowed merely on the basis of statement of an auditor – Whether when the similar expenses were allowed by the AO to similar parties, no dis-allowance can be made only on the basis of assumptions and presumptions – Whether the dis-allowance made without giving the assessee an opportunity to cross examine the parties on the basis of whose statement the dis-allowance was made, is against the natural justice.
Emphasizes on Putting Proper Regulatory Mechanism in Place to Protect the Interest of Policy Holders – Shri S.K. Sharma, Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance launched the online grievance portal i.e. Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS) of Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority (IRDA)) in a seminar on ‘Policyholder Protection and Welfare’, here today.
CIRCULAR [NO. 12/2/2011-FOI], DATED 5-5-2011 It has been realised that while this stipulation would remain to be a guiding factor to operate E-visa regime in general, units bringing large amount of FDI in SEZs could be granted exemption from this stipulation for a few of their foreign employees who are specialists in their respective fields. Department of Commerce would like to send a proposal to this effect in consultation with industries particularly with SEZ for Ministry of Home Affair’s consideration.
Cost Auditor to be furnished with the cost accounting records etc. – Without prejudice to the powers and duties the Cost Auditor shall have under sub-section (4) of section 233B of the Act, the company and every officer thereof, including the persons referred to in sub-section (6) of section 209 of the Act, shall make available to the cost auditor, such cost accounting records, cost statements, other books and documents, and Annexure to the Report, duly completed, as would be required for conducting the cost audit, and shall render necessary assistance to the cost auditor so as to enable him to complete the cost audit and submit his report within the time limit specified in rule 5.
CIRCULAR CIR/CFD/DIL/3/2011 a. SEBI has vide its circular dated June 3, 2011 issued in consultation with RBI provides restrictions on redemption of Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs) to their corresponding underlying equity shares. The SEBI Circular restricts the ability of IDR holders to freely redeem their IDRs into the underlying equity shares even after the expiry of the statutory lock-in period of one year.
It is clarified that ‘Declaration of Intent’ needs to be mentioned mandatorily on the free shipping bills for claiming Chapter 3 benefits . This declaration can be made in the product description column in the free shipping bills where sufficient space is available for this purpose. Instances have also been reported where free shipping bills bear only the name of the Chapter 3 scheme like FPS,FMS etc or the intention to claim Chapter 3 benefit has been mentioned manually on the shipping bills duly attested by customs. In such cases RA’s will accept these shipping bills for grant of Chapter 3 benefits.
Export of sugar is free subject to obtaining release order from the Chief Director(Sugar), Directorate of Sugar. But, the same is not required for export of Organic sugar with a ceiling of 10,000 MTs per annum and subject to certain conditions mentioned above.
In the Foreign Exchange Management (Foreign Currency Accounts by a Person Resident in India) Regulations, 2000, dated May 3, 2000 as amended from time to time, viz. : (a) in regulation 4 the word “Schedule” shall be amended to read as “Schedule-I, (b) in regulation 6 after sub-regulation (4) the following sub-regulation shall be added namely :—(4) An Authorized Dealer Category-I Banks in India may allow firms and companies who comply with the eligibility criteria stipulated in the Foreign Trade Policy of the Government of India, in force from time to time and the directions as may be issued by Reserve Bank of India, from time to time, to open, hold and maintain Diamond Dollar Accounts (DDAs) in India subject to the terms and conditions of the DDA Scheme specified in Schedule II.