Consolidated Foreign Direct Investment Policy Circular of 2017 – inviting comments from stakeholders
Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion issued a ‘Consolidated FDI Policy Circular (Circular 1 of 2010)‘ on 31/03/2010, compiling all the information on FDI policy at one place. The Circular subsumed all the earlier Press Notes/ Press Releases/ Clarifications regarding Government’s policy on FDI, issued by the Department from time to time. Subsequently, Circulars were issued on 30/09/2010, 31/03/2011, 30/9/2011, 10/04/2012, 05/04/2013, 17/04/2014, 12/05/2015 and 07/06/2016.
2. The latest Circular i.e. Consolidated Foreign Direct Investment Policy Circular of 2016 is available on this Department’s website at
3. The next edition of the Circular i.e. Consolidated Foreign Direct Investment Policy Circular of 2017 is due to be issued this year, which would incorporate all the changes effected in FDI Policy post issue of Consolidated Foreign Direct investment Policy Circular of 2016 i.e. from 07/06/2016.
4. Comments/ suggestions on ‘Consolidated Foreign Direct Investment Policy Circular of 2016‘ are invited from stakeholders by 27/01/2017 for consideration. The comments may be sent to the undersigned or em ailed at
Ishtiyaque Ahmed