1. Section 149 (4) and rule 4 of Companies (Appointment & Qualification of Director) Rule, 2014 1. Every listed company shall have at least 1/3rdof total No. of directors as Independent Director, and 2. Following classes of companies shall have at least 2 Directors as Independent Director- In case of Public Company having – i. […]
A company once registered, has a legal personality. Corporate groups are identified as a legal individual/body/entity, independent from the group’s directors and shareholders. Ergo the officers, directors or shareholder can act on behalf of the legal body without any liability as it remains with the entity.
In Today’s write-up we will get some extract from the section 197 and 198 of Companies Act, 2013 as practical implication of this section is really very different from the written language, even when organization has not incurred profits, managerial level is paid high remuneration irrespective of its burden on company financial conditions. Although there […]
Stay updated on the latest amendments to the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and Rules as of July 1, 2020. Learn more about the changes and their impact.
To ease your burden, we have come up with a detailed analysis of the amendments to IA regulation by SEBI (Investment Advisers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020, so that in spite of googling for the same, you may get all your answers at once. These amendments would be applicable from October 01, 2020. Following are the key […]
Under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy code 2016, section 43 is dealt with Preferences if any given by the Corporate Debtor before and during the insolvency. This is a very important section and every Insolvency Professional should keep this in mind. Success of the insolvency depends upon timely completion of the process of insolvency and also […]
The dream of many an Indian citizens is to get a green card in the USA or a PR in New Zealand, Australia or the UK to live the remaining years of his lives in a ‘clean’ environment, where a common man commands the same respect and rights as the privileged and his sight is […]
Current article discusses about Zero Coupon Bonds, Junk Bonds and Tax Saving Bonds. A zero-coupon bond, also known as an ‘accrual bond,’ is a debt security that doesn’t pay interest (a coupon) but is traded at a deep discount, rendering profit at maturity when the bond is redeemed for its full face value.
Ministry of Finance, Government of India, with a view to provide several benefits and to create large number of employment opportunities within India, announced various relief measures especially for the MSMEs (vis-à-vis Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises). To achieve this dream of creating lot more employment in India, it was felt necessary to widen the […]
Going Concern is a concept where the continuity of a business organisation is assessed. Up until now, we were least bothered by this concept as this was taken for granted. With the present Covid19 crisis, the basic fundamentals of business existence itself has changed and standards relating to going concern are becoming suddenly relevant and […]