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Archive: 08 May 2018

Posts in 08 May 2018

Taxability of amount received by an employee from redemption of Stock Appreciation Rights

May 8, 2018 3387 Views 0 comment Print

In the instant case, the fundamental question which arises for consideration before this Court is with regard to the taxability of the amount received by the Respondent on redemption of Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs.)

Supply between NDDB & State Govt. can’t be treated as supply between ‘related persons’

May 8, 2018 801 Views 0 comment Print

It is held The transactions undertaken by NDDB and Unions in accordance with the agreements made by NDDB with State Government of Assam and Jharkhand are not to be considered as supply between ‘related persons’ in accordance with Schedule I of Central Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017 (CGST Act) read with Section 15 of CGST Act and corresponding provisions under the Gujarat Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.

AAR on GST related issues on erection of solar power generating system

May 8, 2018 3156 Views 0 comment Print

Whether supply of solar power plant under ‘Supply Contract’ is supply of ‘solar power generating system’ under Entry 234 of Schedule I of the Notification No. 1/2017- Integrated Tax (Rate), Entry 234 of Schedule I of the Notification No. 1/2017- Central Tax (Rate) both dated 28 June 2017 and Entry 234 of Schedule I of the Notification No. 1/2017- State Tax (Rate) dated 29 June 2017 where the assembly, erection, and commissioning of the solar power plant is undertaken by the Applicant under a separate contract?

Import policy for automotive mining /oil rigging equipments

May 8, 2018 843 Views 0 comment Print

Policy condition for import of old/used and new automotive mining equipments, oil rigging equipments for operation in captive mines/ oil rigging areas and other vehicles for research and development purposes is introduced.

Lease, Rent, Pagadi, etc. on Immovable Property and Issues in GST !

May 8, 2018 16665 Views 4 comments Print

Arjuna, as you know, sale of immovable property like land and building is not chargeable to Tax under GST. Also renting of residential property is Exempt from the levy of tax. But renting of commercial properties like shops, offices, etc, are taxable. Taxpayers were in confusion that transfer of tenancy rights against premium should be liable to GST or not. Hence, to clarify this issue the department has come up with this circular.

Tramadol Notified as Psychotropic Substances under Narcotic Drugs Law

May 8, 2018 15933 Views 0 comment Print

Central Government has made the following further amendments in the list of psychotropic substances specified in the Schedule to the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (hereinafter NDPS Act), namely: –

Change in opinion cannot be alleged in absence of opinion on subject matter of reopening in earlier assessment

May 8, 2018 1272 Views 0 comment Print

The present appeal has been preferred against the impugned final judgment and order dated 24.02.2006 passed by the High Court of Delhi in W.P.(C) No 14376 of 2005 whereby a Division Bench of the High Court

Job Work and ITS Valuation in GST

May 8, 2018 23037 Views 8 comments Print

Section 143 encapsulates the provisions related to job work which states that the registered principal may send inputs or capital goods or both to a job worker for job work without payment of tax and subsequently to another job worker and so on, if required. After completion of the job work, the principal shall either bring back the goods to his own place of business or supply (including export) the same directly from the premises of the job worker within 1 year or 3 years in case of inputs or in case of capital goods, as the case may be (except moulds and dies, jigs and fixtures or tools).

Corporate Compliance Management & Challenges

May 8, 2018 4914 Views 1 comment Print

We all know the prime objective of the company and the Board is to focus on value creation for shareholders. But to have better corporate governance and to safeguard the interest of the company and all stakeholders including shareholders with renewed attention to statutory compliance

Appeals, Review and Revision in GST

May 8, 2018 9234 Views 0 comment Print

Tax laws broadly impose two types of obligation : a] Tax related b] Procedural related. Some times there are situation of actual and perceived non compliance. If difference in views persist , it result into disputes that need to be resolved. There may be different view and opinion on one subject , therefore it is likely that taxpayer may not be agree on adjudication order passed by the tax officer.

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