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Archive: 05 January 2017

Posts in 05 January 2017

Reg. Excise duty exemption on Articles, other than jewellery

January 5, 2017 1069 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944), the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 2/2011-Central Excise, dated the 1st March, 2011, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide G.S.R. 117 (E), dated the 1st March, 2011.

Anti-dumping duty on import of ‘Jute Products’ viz. Jute Yarn /Twine etc

January 5, 2017 1873 Views 0 comment Print

Seeks to levy definitive anti-dumping duty on import of ‘Jute Products’ viz. Jute Yarn/Twine (multiple folded/cabled and single), Hessian fabric and Jute sacking bags from Bangladesh or Nepal for a period of five years (unless revoked, superseded or amended earlier)

The Overseas Indians have come a long way

January 5, 2017 634 Views 0 comment Print

In a post-Liberalization environment, Indian Diaspora was willing to engage back with their country of origin. India becoming an IT power hub, fast growing economy and atomic power gave the Diaspora much needed confidence.

Initiatives to promote use of mobile/e-banking for cashless transactions

January 5, 2017 6073 Views 0 comment Print

Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance takes various initiatives to promote use of mobile banking/e-banking technology for cashless transactions and e-payments in Central Government Ministries/Departments; Redresses 4475 out of 4508 grievances successfully under CPGRAMS;

FM holds Pre-Budget consultations with FMs of all States/ UTs

January 5, 2017 1261 Views 0 comment Print

The Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley holds Pre-Budget consultations with the Finance Ministers of all States/ UTs (with legislature)

Maharashtra Contract Labour Act applicability increased to 50 employees

January 5, 2017 68239 Views 5 comments Print

Applicability of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 has been changed from 20 Employees to 50 Employees for the state of Maharashtra vide Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) (Maharashtra Amendment) Act, 2016.

Transitional Provisions under Revised Model GST Law- Part-X

January 5, 2017 4999 Views 0 comment Print

It is provided in sub-section (1) that every proceeding of appeal, revision, review or reference relating to a claim for CENVAT credit initiated whether before, on or after the appointed day, under the earlier law shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of earlier law

Checklist for Post Merger legal Compliances

January 5, 2017 52834 Views 2 comments Print

COMPANY LAW > Call Board meeting for adopting merger order > And Authorizing director to file the same with ROC. > Call an Extra Ordinary General Meeting and inform details about merger like allotment of shares, change in object clause and etc.

Get discount for on-line payment of LPG refill

January 5, 2017 2494 Views 2 comments Print

Oil Marketing Companies, viz Indian Oil, BPCL & HPCL are now offering an upfront discount of Rs 5/- on every LPG refill to all LPG customers who will book and pay for their LPG cylinders online.

Figure of SBNs returned released by us earlier is not final : RBI

January 5, 2017 910 Views 0 comment Print

We would like to clarify that the periodical SBN figures released by us were based on aggregation of accounting entries done at the large no of Currency Chests all over the country. Now that the Scheme has come to an end on December 30, 2016, these figures would need to be reconciled with the physical cash balances to eliminate accounting errors/ possible double counts etc.

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