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Archive: 21 March 2016

Posts in 21 March 2016

Stay Granted in 263 case revised on ground other than in SCN

March 21, 2016 1018 Views 0 comment Print

Counsel for the assessee submitted that the Assessing Officer completed the assessment u/s 143(3) of the Act by an order dated 28.3.2013. The Principal Commissioner of Income-tax in the guise of exercising his power u/s 263 of the Act, issued show cause notice calling for the objection of the assessee.

S.68 Assessee only required to provide evidence of identity & transactions

March 21, 2016 3415 Views 0 comment Print

The Jaipur bench of ITAT in the above cited case held that the assessee is only expected to produce the documentary evidences regarding the transaction and identity of the persons from whom it has accepted the deposits.

Project office used as communication channel is not PE

March 21, 2016 1966 Views 0 comment Print

Back office operations carried on at an office would fall within the exclusionary clause of Article 5(3) (e) of the Treaty between India and United States which is also identically worded as Article 5(3) (e) of the India-UAE DTAA.

If management & control is outside Sikkim, income is Taxable

March 21, 2016 4012 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi High Court held In the case of CIT vs. Mansarovar Commercial Pvt. Ltd. that Mr. Rattan Gupta was not only doing the audit work of the five Assessee companies, but determining who should be the directors of the said companies.

Statement cannot be sole basis for addition in block assessment

March 21, 2016 2470 Views 0 comment Print

Statements recorded would certainly constitute information and if such information is relatable to the evidence or material found during search, the same could certainly be used in evidence in any proceedings under the Act as expressly mandated by virtue of the explanation to Section 132(4).

Notification No. 20/2016-Income Tax, Dated: 21/03/2016

March 21, 2016 751 Views 0 comment Print

The terms and conditions mentioned in this notification as well as those included in the aforesaid Industrial Park Scheme, 2008 should be adhered to during the period for which benefits under the said scheme are to be availed and in case the undertaking, fails to comply with any of the conditions, the Central Government may withdraw the aforesaid approval.

Impact of SEBI (LODR), 2015 to a Debt Listed Company

March 21, 2016 14596 Views 2 comments Print

SEBI (LODR) regulations has been divided into various chapters depending upon the nature of securities, like chapter IV that prescribe the obligations for those Listed Entities which has listed its Specified Securities and chapter V prescribe the obligations for those Listed Entities which has listed its Non-Convertible Debt Securities and Non-Convertible Redeemable Preferences Shares.

Maharashtra Budget 2016- Key Provisions related to MVAT

March 21, 2016 7798 Views 3 comments Print

Dayal R Kundani The Maharashtra Budget for F.Y. 2016-17 was pronounced on 19th March, 2016. In the Speech the Finance Minister has made the following proposals while presenting the Budget. Contents of Key proposals Value Added Tax – RATE CHANGE Increase of rate of tax from existing 5% to 5.5% Reduction in Tax on LED […]

Importance of Temples in India

March 21, 2016 16705 Views 0 comment Print

Daily worship of God in a temple is done by Hindus in India. It is not a ritual as many people think, but a way of life. It is meant for 1) physical exercise when a person walks around the shrines 2) meditation by focussing on the divine sculpture made out of wood or stone results in greater concentration and peace of mind

A Brief on Private Placement Under Companies Act ,2013

March 21, 2016 5023 Views 2 comments Print

Private Placement under Section 42 of Companies Act, 2013 with Rule 14 of Companies Prospectus and Allotment of Securities Rules, 2014. 1. A Company can make Private Placement through issue of Private Placement offer letter (Form PAS-4 as attachment in Form GNL-2).

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