Provided that in case of multiple track or multiple line packing machine which are incapable of performing such additional processes, each such track or line shall be deemed to be one individual packing machine for the purposes of calculation of the duty liability.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1B) of section 129A of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Board hereby makes the following further amendments in the Notification of Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, No. 39/2005-Customs ( N.T.), dated the 13th May, 2005, namely.
The matter has been examined in this Directorate in the aforesaid background and it has been decided that the restrictions imposed vide Public Notice No. 52 dated 27.9.2007 shall be made effective for exports on or after 27.9.07. Regional Authorities (RAs) shall process and dispose off all such pending cases accordingly.
“Provided that in case of multiple track or multiple line packing machine which are incapable of performing such additional processes, one such track or line shall be deemed to be one individual packing machine for the purposes of calculation of the number of pouches per operating packing machine per month.