Income Tax : Set off of loss from one source against income from another source under the same head of income/inter- source set-off under the s...
CA, CS, CMA : Chartered Accountancy course is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious courses a commerce student can opt for. It’s a very diff...
CA, CS, CMA : I would like would like to give some guidance on CA final Cost Paper based on my experience. Some students have been made a concep...
CA, CS, CMA : During my interaction with many students of CA Final and their questions are how to prepare for Corporate and Allied law, I come a...
CA, CS, CMA : Here is the 13 (Thirteen) Interesting Reasons for being failure in exam with RemediesI would strongly suggest you all to stick to ...
Set off of loss from one source against income from another source under the same head of income/inter- source set-off under the same head of income Any loss in respect of one source shall be set-off against income from other source under the same head of income. But, there are some exception to this.
Chartered Accountancy course is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious courses a commerce student can opt for. It’s a very difficult task to choose among the various ca firms for joining articleship. After the results of CA-IPCC are announced, every student who qualify for at least the group-1 is eligible for doing their articleship.
I would like would like to give some guidance on CA final Cost Paper based on my experience. Some students have been made a concept that Cost is all about Standard Costing, Transfer Pricing and relevant costing.
During my interaction with many students of CA Final and their questions are how to prepare for Corporate and Allied law, I come across difficulties faced by them. More particularly, what to read, how to read, what are important topics and what kind of language should be used while writing paper.
Here is the 13 (Thirteen) Interesting Reasons for being failure in exam with RemediesI would strongly suggest you all to stick to the basics of study to avoid further failure and ensure success. For me some basics of study are as follows:
I would like to throw light on preparation of very simple paper of CA Final i.e. Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics. I have heard from many students that this is most complicated subject next to ISCA. Unfortunately , This is just a Myth. “Soch Badlo Exam ka result badlo. But frankly speaking, it isn’t. Just like every other subject, even audit can be handled. And it can be handled very well if you follow the right preparation strategy.
Hello Friends, first of all, thanks a lot for giving such a favorable response to article on ‘Preparation Strategy for CA Final Financial Reporting. .!!’ Now in the same manner I would like to throw light on preparation of very interesting subject of CA Final i.e. Strategic Financial Management.
Friends all of you are going to be a Chartered Accountant and a CA is supposed to be very much familiar with this subject at least. We are studying this subject from 11th standard and this is a subject in which you can secure the highest.
Chartered Accountant is one of the best professional courses in India and its a great honor to be a Chartered Accountant (CA). Unbelievable marks are scored by most of the CA students. They think that they attempted the full paper; but marks are not up to mark – even 40s were not allotted !
CA Pankaj Kumar Agrawal Today e-commerce has become an integral part of everyday life. Accessibility to E-commerce platforms is not a privilege but rather a necessity for most people, particularly in the urban areas. India is witnessing a digital revolution with internet becoming an integral part of its population and availability of internet in the […]