Finance : Investing wisely is essential for financial growth and achieving long-term goals. Among the many tools available to investors, a l...
Finance : Beta is a measure of an asset's volatility in relation to the overall market. It is a numerical value that indicates how much an a...
Finance : Explore investment opportunities post Lok Sabha elections. Key sectors like economy, infrastructure, railways, and more are promis...
Finance : Learn how to minimize TDS on FD interest and save taxes with tax-saving fixed deposits. Discover strategies, TDS thresholds, and b...
Corporate Law : Learn about the applicability of side letters in investment transactions in India and internationally. Explore judicial pronouncem...
Income Tax : Special Bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi in the case of Cheminvest Ltd. (ITA Nos.87Del//2008, 4788/Del/2007 ...
Income Tax : Special Bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi holds that expenditure relating to exempt income to be disallowed ev...
Income Tax : CIRCULAR NO. 6/2015, Dated: April 9, 2015 no capital gains will arise at the time of exercise of the option in the case of Fixed M...
Investing wisely is essential for financial growth and achieving long-term goals. Among the many tools available to investors, a lump sum calculator is a valuable resource for optimising your investment strategy.
Beta is a measure of an asset’s volatility in relation to the overall market. It is a numerical value that indicates how much an asset’s price is expected to move relative to market movements.
Explore investment opportunities post Lok Sabha elections. Key sectors like economy, infrastructure, railways, and more are promising for informed investment decisions.
Learn how to minimize TDS on FD interest and save taxes with tax-saving fixed deposits. Discover strategies, TDS thresholds, and benefits of these investments.
Learn about the applicability of side letters in investment transactions in India and internationally. Explore judicial pronouncements and considerations.
Confused about which stocks to invest in? This article explains the distinctions between large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks, helping you make informed investment decisions. Learn about market capitalization, risk levels, growth potential, and liquidity of these stock categories.
Explore the evolution of Venture Capital (VC) investments in India and the opportunities it presents for professionals. Learn about the growth of VC as an asset class, its historical performance, and the increasing trend of institutional investors allocating funds to VC. Discover why VC is becoming a preferred investment choice and how professionals can leverage this evolving landscape for financial growth. Stay informed and capitalize on the potential of VC investments.
Explore the differences between investing and trading, their psychological aspects, financial goals, time frames, and monitoring requirements. Make informed decisions for growing wealth or earning regularly. Learn about options beyond equity and start your journey, whether with small or large amounts. Read insights and advice from financial experts Renucka Vaiddya and Kedar Nadgonde.
Uncover the taxing truth of investing in US stocks from India. Navigate the complexities of Indian and US tax systems, understand implications on dividends and capital gains, and learn to minimize tax liabilities. CA Mridul Gupta, a practicing Chartered Accountant, breaks down the intricacies to guide investors through informed decision-making. Brace yourself for the taxing reality of investing in the colossal US stock market from the comfort of your home in India.
It has been proposed that investments in mutual funds on or after 01/04/2023 where not more than 35% is invested in equity shares of an domestic companies (i.e. debt funds, international funds and gold funds) will now be deemed to be short term capital gains like Market Linked Debentures i.e. it will be liable to be taxed as per slab rate.