Goods and Services Tax : The Schedules A,B,C,D appended to Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 are amended with effect from 01-04-2013. Further, certain ...
Goods and Services Tax : 1) Profession Tax E-Enrollment- 3rd proviso to Sec 3(2) is inserted from 01.05.2012. Which states that, a person w...
Finance : Stock Market are subject to Market Risk. Do the Fundamental analysis and review past performance. Read and understand basic Termin...
Goods and Services Tax : 1. The exemption to wheat, rice, pulses and their flours, turmeric, chillies, tamrind, gur, coconut, cumin seeds, coriander seeds,...
The Schedules A,B,C,D appended to Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 are amended with effect from 01-04-2013. Further, certain notifications are also amended. These amendments are briefly discussed below Amendments to Schedule A 1. Braille Watches w-e-f 01.04.2013 are now covered by Schedule Entry A-2 by way of notification.
1) Profession Tax E-Enrollment- 3rd proviso to Sec 3(2) is inserted from 01.05.2012. Which states that, a person who is liable to pay tax has remained un-enrolled; then, his liability to pay tax under this section for the periods for which he has remained so unenrolled shall not exceed eight years from the end of […]
Stock Market are subject to Market Risk. Do the Fundamental analysis and review past performance. Read and understand basic Terminology of stock Market. Strictly adhere to Stop loss.
1. The exemption to wheat, rice, pulses and their flours, turmeric, chillies, tamrind, gur, coconut, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, fenugreek and parsely (Suva), papad, wet dates, solapuri chadders and towels which was to expire on 31.03.2012 will be continued till 31.03.2013. 2. The exemption of fabrics except furnishing cloth mentioned in Schedule ‘A’ (list of tax-free goods) to continue. However, furnishing cloth will be taxed @5% on last point.