CA Avinash Rawane
I am attaching herewith a Presentation on Income Tax Returns for A.Y. 2014-15 and tax Audit Provisions. The presentation covers the following Topics :-
1. Requirements by the Income Tax Authorities from the Filers;
2. Goals of the IT Department;
3. Statistical Information of the goals achieved;
4. Recent Changes in making Website more secure;
5. Reasoning for the changes made;
6. New Requirements to be filled in ITR under New Forms;
7. Creation and Uploading Utility Step by Step Procedure;
8. Alternatives available for Professionals for Bulk Filing of Returns;
9. Information about Penalties under Information Technology Act;
10. Tax Audit Requirements under e-Filing.
Download Presentation on New IT Returns Under Income Tax Act and Tax Audit
Very nice Thanks
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Nice one. Please keep us updated from time to time
Nice one.