Representation requesting for Extension of due date for filing Income Tax Returns (Non-Audit and Salaried) for AY 2022-23 under section 139(1) of IT Act, 1961 with further request to permanently fix date of Filing ITRs as 31st August in future by issuing Notification.
(Regd. vide No. 304 of 2019-20 under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860)
Mob : 98151-98051, 98780-20386, 98153-23059
E-mail :,, Website :
Ref. No : ……………….. Dated : 19-07-2022
The Chairman
Central Board of Direct Taxes,
North Block Secretariate,
New Delhi – 110 001
Sub : Representation requesting for Extension of due date for filing Income Tax Returns (Non-Audit and Salaried) for AY 2022-23 under section 139(1) of IT Act, 1961 with further request to permanently fix date of Filing ITRs as 31st August in future by issuing Notification
Respected Sir,
We take this opportunity to bring into your kind notice that ours is an Apex Body of Accounts Professionals from all over Punjab. All locally registered Associations from Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Amritsar, Patiala, Pathankot, Rajpura, Hoshiarpur, Mansa, Moga. Ferozepur, Nawanshehr, Nakodar, Phagwara, Muktsar etc. have their representation in this Punjab level body, having its registered office at Jalandhar. As is well known, we, being the basebone of nation’s economy, act as a bridge between taxpayers and the Government in order to increase government revenue.
First of all, we heartily thank you for updation of Income-tax portal. No doubt, online ITRs are being submitted, filed and processed with high speed, as compared to previous years, but still most of our members complain of various glitches, errors and other issues causing substantial problems in filing ITRs on behalf of their clients (small taxpayers). And being the last date of filing ITR for AY 2022-23, they are facing acute mental pressure.
Sir, during recent days in the past, all the Accounts Professionals had been busy in preparing and filing TDS and TCS Returns for the 4th Quarter of FY 2021-22 and simultaneously for the 1st Quarter of FY 2022-23, which is required to be filed on or before 31-07-2022. And at the same time, the Accountants are busy in preparing data of GSTR1 and the GSTR3b by matching with GSTR2b. It has been an established practice that the Accountants are to provide all ready to be uploaded data to Chartered Accountants/Advocates/Tax Practitioners, which causes heavy mental pressure upon them. For all these jobs, whole of the July month is absorbed and the Accounts Professionals hardly find time to complete Income-tax data for preparing and uploading Returns.
Moreover, the due date for filing TDS/TCS Returns for the 4th Quarter (FY 2021-22) was 31st May, 2022. On filing of TDS/TCS Returns, credit thereof gets reflected on 15st June, 2022 and in case of any error in TDS credit, it takes 15 to 20 days time to rectify, means in the first week of July. But sorry to bring into your kind notice that in some cases, proper credit entry is not reflecting in 26AS forms.
Under the above circumstances, we, the members of Punjab Accountants Association, humbly request your goodself to extend the date of filing non-audit Income-tax Returns from 31st July to 31st August, 2022.
Further requested to please look into the routine dates for each year. Every year, this will happen and the dates of filing TDS/TCS and GST Returns will clash with the dates of Income-tax Returns. This will be much appreciated, if the last date of filing Income-tax Returns be fixed to 31st August every year. This change can be effected by issuing Govt. Notification.
For this act of kindness, We, the Professional Accountants, shall be highly obliged.
For The Punjab Accountants Association
(Dharminder Sikka)
(Varinder K. Sharma)
General Secretary
C.C. to : Hon’ble Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman,
Union Finance Minister,
Government of India, New Delhi
– for looking into the matter sympathetically and necessary action please
Representation on Income Tax Return due Date Extension
Requested to extend the Due dates of Non audited return or salary from 31.07.22 to 31.08.22 fixed, as in July so many returns due, as TDS/TCS/ GSTR, ITS TRULY so huge pressure in July so further requested to extend / fixed the due date to 31st August every year.
There are still glitches in income tax filing online. I had a very small income from intraday trading, which is speculative business, which I had entered in P&L ” NO ACCOUNT CASE”. Now this amount appears in Schedule BP under “Profit or Loss in other than speculative business”. Instead of under SPECULATIVE BUSINESS”. Secondly I am not able to enter the amount in speculative business ” Income from Profit or Loss ” since the “amount entering rectangle is grey colored ” and hence not allowing me to enter the amount. Hence after complete filing, during revalidation , this appears as an error , which asks me to fill data under schedule BP speculative Business, which I am not able to do. Finally filed my returns through private web site
Respected Madam, I, a citizen of West Bengal wants to convey a message to you showing the request to extend the due date of income tax return as I am a student and my father is linked with this profession of filing income tax….This is an earnest request as this is one of the sources of income and he is denying many people due to the least time. There’s too much pressure and he is not well too……I am sure this issue will be immediately solved and the date will be extended.
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Please Extend the due date for filing of Income Tax returns
I am a CG Pensioner and tax payer since retirement in 2007. I received Form 16 Part B for AY 2022-23 on 13 June 2022 from my bank. However, there were several deficiences in the entry. Further the tax deducted at source in the form did not match with total tax deducted/ credited in Form 26 AS. I noticed that tax deducted by bank in Oct2021along with total Pension for Oct 2021 is not reflected in Form
26 AS. I have requested the bank to correct Form 26 AS on 20 June 2022. I have not received the corrected FORM 26 AS till date. Hence I am unable to file my return. Kindly extend the filing date by atleast 15 days to enable me to file the return.
please extend due date till 31.08.2022
Hon’ble Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman ji
Union Finance Minister, Government of India, New Delhi
Request to Extend Income Tax Return due date for Non-Audit & Salaried
Kindly requesting for Extension of due date for filing Income Tax Returns (Non-Audit and Salaried) for AY 2022-23 under section 139(1) of IT Act, 1961 request to permanently fix date of Filing ITRs as 31st August in future by issuing Notification.
pls extend the due date form no.16 very late issued and incometax website dsc register issue and humbly requested pls extend the due date
SFT also been reported and revised till 20 July, hence there is a requirement to extend the last date .
In many cases employees receive form 16 very late. TDS data is also uploaded late in 26AS. There is a mismatch in AIS data in many cases, which also needs to be sorted out along with filing of return. So due date of 31st July should be permanently extended to 31st August from this year only
honorably request you kindly to extend ITR due dates from July’2022 to August,2022 and oblige
We professionals are really under heavy mental pressure to comply with overall tax due dates such as GST, Non-audited, salaried ITR etc. It is our humble request that please extend the due date as soon as possible.
This is a required request
Hope cbdt will accept.
Shares Income Is Also Taxable. My Agent was with me on 19th. The Posting on the 26AS, by the concerned is Wrong, There is hue and cry for correction of the Excess Income shown by the concerned for shares traded. The correction has to be carried out well before filing of the return. It will Take Time.
Due to various tax due dates falling in July, we professionals are under mental pressure to comply with all the tax due dates. So please kindly extend the income tax due dates for non-audit & salaried ITR to 31st Aug 2022. It is our humble request to the Finance Minister & CBDT.