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वाह रे CBDT का कानून

अपनी अक्षमताओं को CBDT वाले देखो कैसे – कैसे छुपाते हैं..?
ITRs में ज्यादा बदलाव नहीँ किया है, ऐसा वो सारी दुनिया को बताते हैँ।

खुद तो बजट पास होने के 12 महीने बाद तक भी
एक ITR तक Notify नहीं कर पाते हैं…
कभी सुगम, कभी 1,2 तो कभी 4,5 पकड़ाते हैं।

पर लाचार करदाताओं को रिटर्न भरने के वास्ते और
CA को पूरी ऑडिट करने लिए 2 माह का समय पर्याप्त बताते हैं।

हमें नहीं चाहिए हर साल date के extension की भीख,
गर एप्रिल में ITR जारी करना CBDT के अफ़सर जाएं सीख..।

हर साल जलाती है CBDT क्यूँ बेबस लोगों का खून,
अब तो यही हम सोचे क्या अन्धा है उसका कानून?



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  1. Nagaraj says:

    Very Good Poem. In fact C.A.’s are requesting clients to come but their staff is on leave for the past 3 days. world is celebrating Bakrid & Ganish Visarjan C.A.’s and their family’s are only watching other’s celebrate.

  2. राजेश गुप्ता says:

    अगर CA कम्युनिटी में एकता हो तो CBDT कभी भी ऐसे निर्णय नहीं लेगी।

  3. C.A.Dinesh Kamlapuri says:

    Dear member,
    We have to fight once again for the nation I mean to say if system does not change it’s behavior we have to take a tough decision for betterment of of our nation.

  4. C.A.Dinesh Kamlapuri says:

    Dear member,
    We have to fight once again for the nation I mean to say if system does not change tjis behavior we have to take a tough decision for betterment of of our nation.

  5. kamal says:

    we all should involve media in this matter.
    let there be a open debate with cbdt.
    it is against natural justice.
    i appreciate the efforts of my friend who is going to hon delhi high court today.
    with regards.

  6. Chetan Prakash Jindal says:

    Very good ! We are helpless. there is no system to punish them for disturbing us in this matter. When we are ready to file, our C.A. says no form is available till now to file the return. What is this ? We want to do fast but they are not ready to accept.
    There must be some compensation for disturbing us more tax payable us. We taxpayers are to pay our hard money, they are to enjoy our money. Government is giving subsidy to those who are not ready to work and helping to create NIKKAMMO KI FOZ in our country. subsidy must for those only who are not able to work any any way.

  7. dilip khetan says:

    दर्द ज़माने के
    कुछ कम हो जाते..!
    गर ITR हर साल
    समय पे आ जाते !!

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