F. No. 312/109/2015-OT
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Central Board of Direct Taxes
Room No, 281, Hotel Samrat,
Kautilya Marg, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110021.
Telefax: – 011 – 241025731
Mail: sahil.mishra@nic.in
New Delhi, Dated 14th January, 2016
Office Memorandum
Sub: Issue of refunds up to Re.5,000/- and refunds in cases where outstanding arrear is up to Re.5,000/- in Non-CASS cases for AYs 2013-14 and 2014-15.
I am directed to convey the decision that in order to provide relief to the small taxpayers, refunds up to Rs.5,000/- and refunds in cases where arrear demand is up to Rs.5,000/- may be issued without any adjustment of outstanding arrears under section 245 of the Act during FY 2015-16.
2. As on 09.01.2016, there are 64,938 cases of refunds below Rs.5,000/- involving Rs.1,148.14 Crore in non-CASS cases for AYs 2013-14 and 2014-15 pending in AST. It is requested that the Assessing Officers be directed to issue these refunds without any adjustment of arrears under Section 245. Similarly, the non-CASS cases for those assessment years where the refund amount is more than Rs.5,000/- but the outstanding arrear is Rs. 6,000/- or less may also be processed for issue of refund without any adjustment under Section 245.
3. The above exercise may be completed before 31st January, 2016 and a compliance report be sent to the Member (Revenue).
4. This issues with the approval of Chairman, CBDT.
Yours faithfully
(Salil Mishra)
Director (OT & WT)