1)Upload file is not proper please check version current version is 1.0.1.
While down loading the e-501(version 1.0.2) , please delete all temporary files, cookies ,and caches from the system. Further down load the file on desktop and then fill the e-501.
2)The rem.txt file not generated, modification are not saved.
Don not put the date of refund application in the line 56 of excel sheet 501 as it is system generated date. While validating the sheet 501 the date will automatically entered.
3)Date format should be dd/mm/yy.
Please do below steps:
1. Change the date setting of your computer through >>> Settings>>>>Control Panel>>>>>Regional and Language Option>>>>Language —English U K>>>> Customize>>>>>Date>>>>Short Date as dd/mm/yy.
4)Pasting the data in the excel sheet “Annexure -A”
Please do below steps:
Before pasting data directly in annexure A do as under–Copy Data from Source>>>>Open new excel sheet>>>> Paste only values in newly opened sheet by using paste special>>>>>Verify Date Format and file format >>>>>if it is not as per dd/mm/yy >>>>>convert it to dd/mm/yy>>>>>copy data from New sheet>>>>paste to annexure A of 501 .
5)While uploading the rem.txt file the error shows “ Mismatch of periodicity”.
While putting the period of return in respect of which the refund is claimed in in the line 33-34 of 501 excel sheet please put the period of return in which you have claimed the refund.
For example if your return period is monthly and you have claimed the refund in the last return that is in the March return then put the period of March return only in the line 33-34 of excel sheet instead of whole year . This means you have to enter the period of return in which you have claimed the refund and not the whole year.