CBI has registered a case against two officials of Bank of India in Khunti district of Jharkhand for their alleged involvement in corrupt practices. A case under different Sections of IPC and the Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against Patras Sanga, Manager and Dev Kant Jha, Assistant Manager, Bank of India, Karra Branch of the district.
“It is alleged that the accused public servants entered into a criminal conspiracy with some unknown others during the period between 2009 and 2010.
“In pursuance of the conspiracy they abused their official position as public servants and sanctioned and disbursed cash credit limit to as many as 114 loanees for the total amount of about Rs 3.50 crore,” CBI spokesperson Harsh Bhal said.
“These loans were sanctioned without obtaining the collateral security documents and without conducting mandatory pre & post sanction inspection.