Circular No. 9/99-Cus
dated 9/3/1999
F.No. 512/1/98-Cus.VI
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue, New Delhi
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India, in para 3.2 of its report for the year ended March, 1997 has pointed out the lapses on the part of Commissionerate in communicating Board”s instructions having financial implications to its attached filed offices/units which had caused loss of revenue worth Rs. 5.92 lakhs. The said instruction was issued by the Board on 5.8-92 whereas field units of that commissionerate had received the same on 20.10.92 and 17.2.93 which caused loss in Revenue.
2. The Board has taken a serious view on such lapses. You are requested to ensure communication and implementations of the instructions/orders issued by the Board to / by attached field unit offices etc. specialy those having financial implications, without any delay to avoid recurrence of such incidents.
3. Kindly note that any recurrence of such incidents will be viewed seriously and financial liability may be fixed on the officer responsible for delay in such communication.
(Rimjhim Prasad)
Under Secretary to the Government of India