Any seven or more individuals associated for any of the objects mentioned in memorandum of association, may subscribe their names to a Memorandum of Association and file it along with a copy of the regulations with the Registrar for registration of the association as a society under this Act.
The objects referred to the promotion of literature, arts, science or religion; any charitable purpose including the care or relief of orphans, or of aged, sick, helpless or indigent persons; the alleviation of the sufferings of animals; the diffusion of knowledge; the dissemination of social, political or economic education; the establishment and maintenance of libraries or reading-rooms for the members or for the public; the collection and preservation of manuscripts, paintings sculptures, works of art, antiquities, natural history specimens, mechanical and scientific instruments and designs; any other object as may be notified by the State Government as being beneficial to the public or to a section of the public.
(a) the name of the association,
(b) the address of the registered office of the association,
(c) the object of the association,
(d) the names of the first members of the Governing Body, and
(e) the names, addresses and occupations of the signatories to the memorandum.
(a) the composition of the Governing Body and the manner of election or appointment and resignation or removal and the term of Office of the members of the Governing Body, the President, the Secretary and other officers;
(b) the admission to membership and resignation and removal of members;
(c) the maintenance of a register of members and facilities for inspection thereof by the members;
(d) the safe custody of the property of the society, including in particular, the manner of keeping or investing any moneys of the society;
(e) the procedure for holding meetings of the society, quorum, the method of voting, the period of notice for meetings and the manner of voting by proxy, where such voting is allowed;
(f) the maintenance and audit of accounts;
(g) the inspection of accounts and of the proceedings of meetings, by the members of the society; and
(h) any other matter relating to the objects or affairs of the society.
No society shall be registered under a name which is identical with, or too nearly resembles, the name of any other society or any body corporate which has been previously registered or incorporated under this Act or any other law for the time being in force, as the case may be, or is deemed to have been registered under this Act.
Applicant should be a resident of West Bengal and a member of constituting society.
1. Photo Identity Proof for 1st Governing Body Members (all)
2. Ownership Proof for Private cases.
3. NOC (in the form of affidavit, in case of individual owner) from the Premises owner or from appropriate Authority.
4. Photograph of all Governing Body members
5. Memorandum of association
(at the end of the object clause certificate to be furnished
I) the above objects will be done as per prevailing law of the country
II) The income and properties of the society whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the society and no portion-thereof shall be paid to or divided amongst any of its members by way of profits.)
6. Regulations
7. Signature of the applicant
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