Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB) releases Exposure Draft of Guidance Note on ‘Treatment of Costs Relating to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities ‘.
Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB), the standard-setting body of the Institute, has approved the release of Exposure Draft of Guidance Note on ‘Treatment of Costs Relating to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities’ in its 82nd meeting held on 16th March 2016. The exposure draft is hosted on the Institutes website for obtaining suggestions and comments. The Exposure Draft of the Guidance Note will be modified in light of comments/ suggestions received before being issued in final form.
Please submit your views / comments / suggestions on the Exposure Draft latest by 18th May 2016 through email at
Please click here to download the Exposure Draft
CMA Balwinder Singh CMA J.K. Budhiraja
Chairman, CASB Secretary, CASB