Hardly 40-45 days are left for exam.Now every single minutes count,every minute of study matters.Here,I have prepared list of few tips which if implemented will surely bring up a positive result.
1) Don’t refer any new notes/author books/class notes which you have not picked up earlier.Beware of your friends because everyone of you would have a friend which will know from which material institute is going to ask a question this time.Don’t lose your focus because of such things.
2) Broke down each subject into A,B and C.Make a timeline for each subject.Go from Category A to C.In case you don’t able to finish off your subject as per schedule,switch to other subject.Don’t just stick to that single subject otherwise too much attention to one single subject can cost you all other subjects.(You can give max 5-6 hrs more than your scheduled timetable)
Try to finish A,B (100%) and C category (atleast 50%) in timeframe scheduled by you.
3) Be fast.You know why we able to finish such a huge syllabus in just 1.5 day before exam because we are too enthusiastic at that time.Try same for each subjects just before appearing for exam.It is too good if you will be able to finish each subject in 2 days.
4) Start your preparation with the subject you are most worried about.Best way to kill off your worries is to write atleast 2 mock paper for that subject in exam condition.
5) Those who would have been preparing for long may have start feeling some kind of laziness and boredom.And those who was late to start may be feeling some sort of un-restlessness. In both the situation,don’t lose your calm and patience.Just hard work and dedication of 1.5 months more can change your results.Be focused.All the best.