The term export means sending of goods or services produced in one country to another country. The seller of such goods and services is referred to as an exporter; the foreign buyer is referred to as an importer. Under GST, “export of goods” with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means taking goods out of […]
The GST Act makes special provisions with regard to removal of goods for job-work and receiving back the goods after processing from the job worker without payment of GST. The benefit of these provisions shall be available both to the principal and the job worker.
Maintenance of books of accounts and necessary supporting and relevant records are highly essential requirements for proper management and control of the business operations. This will facilitate the correct receipt and payment of cash and other transactions entered by the company. It is mandatory to maintain the books of accounts under Indian Companies Act, 2013 and GST Act, 2017. Hence accounts maintenance in India is compulsory.
Introduction The facility of warehousing of imported goods in Customs Bonded Warehouses, without payment of Customs duty otherwise leviable on import, is permitted under the Customs Act, 1962. Apart from specific provisions in the said Act (specially under Chapter IX), certain Regulations have been also framed and provisions of Warehoused Goods (Removal) Regulations, 1963 and […]
One of the fundamental features of GST is seamless flow of input credit across the chain (from the manufacture of goods or provider of services till it is consumed) and across the Country. Input Tax Credit (ITC) is the backbone of the GST regime. GST is nothing but a value added tax on goods & services combined.