Striking off the Company under section 248 of the Companies Act is one of the easiest method for winding up.In this article author has tried to explain the procedure of strike off the company in FAQ manner answering the question like What are the conditions under which the registrar can strike off the name of […]
Clarification on holding of agm through video conferencing (Vc) or other audio visual means (OAVM) Due to the threat of COVID – 19, there is a restriction on the movement of persons from one place to other in the country. Several Representations have been received in the ministry for providing relaxations in the provisions of […]
CLARIFICATION ON DISPATCH OF NOTICE UNDER SECTION 62 (2) OF COMPANIES ACT, 2013 BY LISTED COMPANIES FOR RIGHT ISSUE OPENING UPTO 31ST JULY, 2020 As per section 62 (1) (a) (i) of companies act, 2013 any company having a share capital proposes to increase its subscribed capital by issue of further shares, such shares shall […]
The Ministry has received several representations from the stakeholders requesting for the grant of one time opportunity, so as to enable them to complete all their pending compliances by filling necessary documents in the MCA – 21 registry including annual filling without being subject to higher additional fees on account of any delay. General Circular […]