obligations of an Insurer in respect of Motor Third Party Insurance Business for every Financial Year are also specified in IRDAI (Obligation of Insurer in Respect of Motor Third Party Insurance Business) Regulations, 2015.
IP shall ensure disclosure of the relationship, if any, of the other professional engaged by him with himself, the Corporate Debtor (CD), Financial Creditor, Interim Finance Provider and Prospective Resolution Applicant to the Insolvency Professional Agency (IPA) of which he is a member, within the time specified.
High-Risk CRIUNRU PAN Case and High-Risk CRIUNRU Non-PAN Cases – Dissemination of Cases on the ‘Verification’ module of Insight portal (RMS Cycle-2)
Dissemination of Cases on ‘Verification’ module of Insight portal for Assessment, Investigation and TDS wings as per Risk Management Strategy (Cycle-2) of CBDT
In this regard, potential cases pertaining to AY 2016-17 and AY 2019-20 identified on the basis of risk assessment of verification reports uploaded in the STR module, have been disseminated to field formations with below mentioned case types on the Verification module of the Insight portal.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that addition towards unexplained cash unsustainable as cash expenses duly incorporated in books of accounts and cash book as well as cash receipts not doubted by the authority.
Master all the important details from the 49th GST Council Meeting Decisions in one place. Get the facts and statements from the Hon. Finance Minister’s press conference.
Bombay High Court held that issue of reopening of assessment has to be tested only on the basis of the reasons recorded, which reasons can neither be improved upon nor substituted by an affidavit or oral submissions.
To furnish such indemnities as may be required by Bank and / or its duly constituted trustees in relation to effective release / reconveyance of properties mortgaged by the Grantor in favour of Bank and / or its duly constituted trustees, as security for the facilities availed by the Grantor from
Draft a secure Joint Venture Agreement with the help of XYZ Pvt Ltd and ABC. Learn all the components of the Agreement, understanding the responsibilities of both parties.