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In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-09 and Paragraph 1.1 of Handbook of Procedures (Vol.1), the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments/deletions/corrections/additions in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 2004-2009.
The last date for filing applications for import under TRQ as per para 2.61 of the Handbook of Procedures for the financial year 2006-07 has been extended upto 31st July 2006 for the following three items only.
Representing before statutory authorities by CA/CS/Cost Accountant exempted from service tax Notification No. 25/2006-Service Tax , Dated-13th July, 2006. G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 93 of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994) (hereinafter referred to as the Finance Act), the Central Government, on being satisfied that […]
In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 1.3 and paragraph 3.7.8 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009 (updated as on 31.03.2005), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment in the Target Plus Scheme, for the exports effected during 01.04.2005 to 31.3.2006.
Where the export product is not specifically covered by the description of goods in the said Schedule, the rate of drawback may be fixed, on an application by an individual manufacturer or exporter in accordance with the Customs, Central Excise Duties and Service Tax Drawback Rules, 1995.
The principal rules were published vide notification No. 37/95-CUSTOMS & CENTRAL EXCISES (N.T.), dated the 26th May, 1995, G.S.R.441(E), dated the 26th May, 1995, and was last amended vide notification No. 10/2006-CUSTOMS (N.T.), dated the 15th February, 2006, G.S.R. 64 (E), dated the 15th February, 2006.
Like the previous year, the drawback rates have been determined on the basis of certain broad parameters including, inter alia, the prevailing prices of inputs, standard input/ output norms (SION) published by DGFT, share of imports in the total consumption of inputs and the applied rates of duty. As education cess is being collected as duties of excise/customs, the element of education cess has been factored in the drawback rates. The incidence of duty on HSD/Furnace Oil has also been factored in the drawback calculation.
Enclosed please find a copy of the gazette notification no. S.O.948 (E) dated June 26, 2006 pertaining to SEBI (Foreign Institutional Investors) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 for your information and necessary action.
communicate to SEBI, the status of the implementation of the provisions of this circular in Section II, item no. 13 of the Monthly Development Report for the month of August, 2006.